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  • #16
    i agree with middleton,,,, looks really nice but at the same time can get stressful on the eyes
    Dale Willimus


    • #17
      Let's try this till Friday... if you guys still don't like it... then I'll change the scheme again.

      Oh... this isn't one of those "two-second" changes either...



      • #18
        colors bad makes it look cheap, same with new buttons


        • #19
          i dont think it looks cheap at all just a little hard on the eyes... good work Peter it does look good!!1
          Dale Willimus


          • #20
            Aha! Now I see why some people thought the new colours were nice and some (like me) thought they were akin to ass.

            You have serious browser compatibility issues with how the new colours are implemented. I see that you're using lots of CSS in addition to FONT tags and various old school BGCOLOR stuff. As a result, only the newest browsers are seeing this as you think they are (actually, probably only the people using the *exact* browser version you are). I can tell you that this site looks *nothing* like this in IE 5.0 (which I have to use at work). Now that I'm on my Mac I actually quite like the colours.

            Peter you should check out the site in lots of other browsers... and old ones especially. Not everyone has IE 6 and higher. As a rule of thumb I would design for version 4 browsers and up (with the possible exception of Netscape 4 which sux ass and is about 2% of the browsers used)... most people are using IE 5 and higher on a PC.

            Looks great in Safari though!

            2013 Audi RS 5


            • #21
              looks nicer on my lcd than my 21" viewsonic at work


              • #22
                Originally posted by Middleton
                Aha! Now I see why some people thought the new colours were nice and some (like me) thought they were akin to ass.

                You have serious browser compatibility issues with how the new colours are implemented. I see that you're using lots of CSS in addition to FONT tags and various old school BGCOLOR stuff. As a result, only the newest browsers are seeing this as you think they are (actually, probably only the people using the *exact* browser version you are). I can tell you that this site looks *nothing* like this in IE 5.0 (which I have to use at work). Now that I'm on my Mac I actually quite like the colours.

                Peter you should check out the site in lots of other browsers... and old ones especially. Not everyone has IE 6 and higher. As a rule of thumb I would design for version 4 browsers and up (with the possible exception of Netscape 4 which sux ass and is about 2% of the browsers used)... most people are using IE 5 and higher on a PC.

                Looks great in Safari though!

                Looking for a job? Wanna donate some time performing these "mods" to the forum?



                • #23
                  Originally posted by Fluidic Digital
                  Looking for a job? Wanna donate some time performing these "mods" to the forum?
                  No, I have a job... and writing web based apps with awesome UI's is what I do, so I get my fill during the day. Oddly enough, when i go home at night, I don't want to rewrite UI's. :mrfinger:


                  2013 Audi RS 5


                  • #24
                    There is (or will be soon) a "Beta Server" up at:


                    What I would propose is that we put some schemes on here, get feedback from people, then eventually pick one. I can put in some time. I also can make some "custom" one of a kind image buttons if you guys want (after colors are decided).

                    I have a couple of books on website design, they usually recommend against using black as a background. Conversely, white is the way to "play it safe" and colors are for people who know what they are doing or have some sense of style.
                    Last edited by Kor; 07-29-2003, 07:23 PM.
                    Porsche 991 Carrera S


                    • #25
                      just rip off VWvortex and use their colors


                      • #26
                        Honestly, now that I've seen the colours on a browser that works, I like them. I don't think it's hard to read at all now... at least on my iBook. However, the fact that your excluding a huge portion of browsers by using CSS elements which aren't supported by older browsers is, in my opinion, a mistake. What you're saying is "You have to have a new computer to visit NewVeeDub" or "You have to know about computers to visit NewVeeDub"... rather I should say "enjoy visiting NewVeeDub" because everyone can visit, but the site looks like hell in IE 5, and likely many other browsers.

                        In any event, you know what I think, this is the last post I'll write about this. I'm not the admin and that's all good. None of this impacts my love of the dub! :mrtongue:

                        PS: One last suggestion, at least test the site in other browsers like Mozilla, Opera, IE 5, IE 5.5, IE for Mac, etc. I can tell you it looks good in Safari on OSX.
                        2013 Audi RS 5


                        • #27

                          Can you post a Screenshot of what its "supposed" to look like? Because on my machine it looks not-so-hot Maybe I can fix the scheme if I can see what yours looks like?
                          Porsche 991 Carrera S


                          • #28
                            I don't know what it's "supposed" to look like, I just know what it looks like for me. Who designed the new scheme anyways?

                            Here's some shots of the site in Safari... I can post screen shots of IE 5.0 on NT tomorrow... it's ugly!

                            2013 Audi RS 5


                            • #29
                              FYI: these colors will not be changing in the future. Get used to the colors -- because the majority of people with proper software are enjoying the newly revamped website.



                              • #30
                                All the fonts look bigger and bolder in your SS...
                                Porsche 991 Carrera S

