Re: Detailing Services
Detailed this 2014 Audi S5 over the weekend, here I am thinking "Oh, brand new fancy car, this will be an easy job." Nope, i was wrong... perfect example of dont judge a car by how old it is... This is the aftermath of lesws than a y ear of weekly Petro-Canada brush washes of death... This was a good experience, ive never done that serious of a correction on a car that new before. The process itself wasn't different at all vs an older car, but there was a different feeling of satisfaction looking and the before and afters. Like the owner said, "My new car looks like a new car again!"
Everything should be good now, I educated the owner on what the Petro-Canada car washes do to the paint, and why touchless is the way to go. Also introduced her to the world of microfiber towels. Hopefully this car will stay shiny for more than a year this time! :P

Detailed this 2014 Audi S5 over the weekend, here I am thinking "Oh, brand new fancy car, this will be an easy job." Nope, i was wrong... perfect example of dont judge a car by how old it is... This is the aftermath of lesws than a y ear of weekly Petro-Canada brush washes of death... This was a good experience, ive never done that serious of a correction on a car that new before. The process itself wasn't different at all vs an older car, but there was a different feeling of satisfaction looking and the before and afters. Like the owner said, "My new car looks like a new car again!"
Everything should be good now, I educated the owner on what the Petro-Canada car washes do to the paint, and why touchless is the way to go. Also introduced her to the world of microfiber towels. Hopefully this car will stay shiny for more than a year this time! :P
