Hi All,
Well... as some of you may or may not have witnessed... I was the unfortunate recipient of a Saskatchewan construction sign that decided to blow/topple over and land on the A-pillar of my .:R as I drove by. Suffice to say... I was mighty pissed as I could have been in a hundred billion different places at that moment but alas, perhaps it was some of that "Karma" thing getting me back for my crazy childhood?
Anyhow, upon return to Calgary I called up Loc and drove to Cosmos to show him the damage. After a brief look at the car and a much longer discussion about cars in general... we had the .:R booked in ASAP for the repair.
Fast forward a couple of weeks and the car was fixed. Unfortunately, I was on vacation in Mexico at the time and asked Loc to take good care of the .:R until my return. He obliged and made sure that the .:R was tucked carefully against the building far away from prying eyes until my return.
Once I got back into Calgary I was reminded that I didn't have my winters on yet! I called Loc to see if he could help me out. Loc's suggestion was to come and pick up my car if I wanted and leave the winters with him until Saturday when the shop was a little less busy so that we could put them on. Having not driven my .:R for approximately 3 weeks, I immediately went to drop off my winters and retrieve my car.
Seeing my .:R at Loc's shop was like meeting your fiance at the airport that you haven't seen for awhile. You know... seeing "her" again just brought a smile to my face. Not only was the damage unidentifiable... but the .:R had been meticulously detailed inside and out. For me, it had that "dealership moment" as I pulled out of the Cosmos lot and basked in the glory that was my .:R as it sparkled in the sunlight as I rumbled down MacLeod Trail.
A few days later on Saturday, I arrived back at Cosmos where Loc quickly directed me into the shop to swap out the winters. Taking my coat off and getting ready to do the work myself, Loc quickly directed one of his best VW techs to come over and install them for me! Talk about service. Not to mention, while the tech was busy installing my winters... Loc was taking my summer Aristos to another corner of the shop to de-grease and clean them up for winter stowage. Loc showed me how he cleans his rims and then let me clean up the rest myself. About an hour later... I was backing out of the shop... with new winters on... gleaming new summers stowed in the hatch... and a big smile for another fantastic experience at Cosmos.
I spotted Loc in the yard inspecting a damaged Audi and stopped to give my thanks once again for a job well done. Of course, Loc and I immediately began a 30+ minute discussion about all things cars. From Lamborghini's to VW's... from radar detectors to car stereos... from brand new S5's to MK3 GTi's...
And then... it dawned on me. You know... many shops throw those "We care about your car!" disposable mats in your car when they work on them but the words are nothing more than just that... words. Now I know I am horribly biased but when you hear these words from Cosmos Collision... Loc truly does mean it. I mean... I could take my .:R to a hundred different places in Calgary however, they would just treat it like some 5-yr old VW Golf. Loc, on the other hand, treats your car like it is his own pride and joy.
What I mean... is that... Loc "gets it". He understands when you say you want to swap out a rear wiper blade or antenna to give your car that "look". He understands when you would consider spending thousands of dollars on engine mods... if only to make your car go a few tenths faster. He understands that although your car might not be that wonderful and glorious brand new R8 V10 that you just drove off the lot... he will treat it no differently. He not only cares about your car... he treats it like it is his own!
In summary, I know some of you likely already have your own personal "favorite shop" and there is absolutely no problem with that. Congrats! However, for those of you who haven't yet found a shop to call home... give Loc at Cosmos a call and tell 'em I sent ya. I promise... you won't be disappointed. And besides, if you're in there on the weekend... you might even spot an MK4 DBP .:R nestled in the corner of Loc's shop getting some engine goodies installed courtesy of Cosmos Collision.
Well... as some of you may or may not have witnessed... I was the unfortunate recipient of a Saskatchewan construction sign that decided to blow/topple over and land on the A-pillar of my .:R as I drove by. Suffice to say... I was mighty pissed as I could have been in a hundred billion different places at that moment but alas, perhaps it was some of that "Karma" thing getting me back for my crazy childhood?

Anyhow, upon return to Calgary I called up Loc and drove to Cosmos to show him the damage. After a brief look at the car and a much longer discussion about cars in general... we had the .:R booked in ASAP for the repair.
Fast forward a couple of weeks and the car was fixed. Unfortunately, I was on vacation in Mexico at the time and asked Loc to take good care of the .:R until my return. He obliged and made sure that the .:R was tucked carefully against the building far away from prying eyes until my return.
Once I got back into Calgary I was reminded that I didn't have my winters on yet! I called Loc to see if he could help me out. Loc's suggestion was to come and pick up my car if I wanted and leave the winters with him until Saturday when the shop was a little less busy so that we could put them on. Having not driven my .:R for approximately 3 weeks, I immediately went to drop off my winters and retrieve my car.
Seeing my .:R at Loc's shop was like meeting your fiance at the airport that you haven't seen for awhile. You know... seeing "her" again just brought a smile to my face. Not only was the damage unidentifiable... but the .:R had been meticulously detailed inside and out. For me, it had that "dealership moment" as I pulled out of the Cosmos lot and basked in the glory that was my .:R as it sparkled in the sunlight as I rumbled down MacLeod Trail.
A few days later on Saturday, I arrived back at Cosmos where Loc quickly directed me into the shop to swap out the winters. Taking my coat off and getting ready to do the work myself, Loc quickly directed one of his best VW techs to come over and install them for me! Talk about service. Not to mention, while the tech was busy installing my winters... Loc was taking my summer Aristos to another corner of the shop to de-grease and clean them up for winter stowage. Loc showed me how he cleans his rims and then let me clean up the rest myself. About an hour later... I was backing out of the shop... with new winters on... gleaming new summers stowed in the hatch... and a big smile for another fantastic experience at Cosmos.
I spotted Loc in the yard inspecting a damaged Audi and stopped to give my thanks once again for a job well done. Of course, Loc and I immediately began a 30+ minute discussion about all things cars. From Lamborghini's to VW's... from radar detectors to car stereos... from brand new S5's to MK3 GTi's...
And then... it dawned on me. You know... many shops throw those "We care about your car!" disposable mats in your car when they work on them but the words are nothing more than just that... words. Now I know I am horribly biased but when you hear these words from Cosmos Collision... Loc truly does mean it. I mean... I could take my .:R to a hundred different places in Calgary however, they would just treat it like some 5-yr old VW Golf. Loc, on the other hand, treats your car like it is his own pride and joy.
What I mean... is that... Loc "gets it". He understands when you say you want to swap out a rear wiper blade or antenna to give your car that "look". He understands when you would consider spending thousands of dollars on engine mods... if only to make your car go a few tenths faster. He understands that although your car might not be that wonderful and glorious brand new R8 V10 that you just drove off the lot... he will treat it no differently. He not only cares about your car... he treats it like it is his own!
In summary, I know some of you likely already have your own personal "favorite shop" and there is absolutely no problem with that. Congrats! However, for those of you who haven't yet found a shop to call home... give Loc at Cosmos a call and tell 'em I sent ya. I promise... you won't be disappointed. And besides, if you're in there on the weekend... you might even spot an MK4 DBP .:R nestled in the corner of Loc's shop getting some engine goodies installed courtesy of Cosmos Collision.
