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Rim advice...

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  • Rim advice...

    Ok, so I;ve been looking to pic up a set of rims and have been pulling my hair out over it. I dont ave a lot of cash so am looking for some sort of deal or decent price. So far I have managed to miss out on a set of 18" BBS RS2's and a set of 19" Hamann rims.....and they were both for a really good price. Now I've found these, but dont really know what I think of them. The first few pics in the thread look GREAT, but the side shots make the rims look a little small...or something wierd anyways.... Everyone look and give me your $0.02 Please....

    Thanks guys
    Last edited by Chrisw; 04-15-2006, 03:37 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Rim advice...

    I guess I should add that I have a real concern of these 18's being to small...I hate the look of SMALL aftermarket rims...


    • #3
      Re: Rim advice...

      41 looks and not a single opinion....hmmmm


      • #4
        Re: Rim advice...

        derick here had a set of those ace's on his jetta a few years back in 19s and they look really really nice.. i dunno about the ride on an e46 for 18s vs 19s but 19s on my old jetta were fine in calgary aslong as the road WAS good haha.. my S4 the stock 17s seem like butter around here


        • #5
          Re: Rim advice...

          Might help if you post pics of all three rims for comparison. I always liked Hamanns on BMW's and if they're 19's then all the better. But I must admit I'm a little biased towards the Allures since those were the first set of wheels I put on my dub

          Edit: Ryan, you post waaay faster than I can lol
          Last edited by Derick; 04-16-2006, 12:23 AM.

