Re: Buy a Jetta 2.5 or Civic LX? Please help...
My 2c... after working for a VW for 7 years and just recently moving to Toyota, VW definatly has NOT got the reliability of some of the Jap cars. But that said they were really carefull when releasing the A5 Jetta. They wanted every little issue looked after right away to prove they can build a good car again (like they used too). If you are comparing a civic or any jap car to a VW check all the details, the trunk trim, headliner, plastic quility etc. you cannot beat a VW for that. The 2006 Avalon i pdi'ed the other day has a cheap feel to the carpet etc in the trunk compared to even a cl golf! I personally think driving 90% of Jap cars is so boring. They are like an appliance (reliable but boring). I ordered a 05 jetta right after i saw the A5 because it looked to much like a Corrolla and i love it. I cannot see my self trading it for a Toyota anytime soon. Talk to vwsalesguy and take one for a rip right after the civic, it will be waaayyyy quieter on the highway etc. Overall the VW is a more solid car, but what do i know i now fix Yarises!
My 2c... after working for a VW for 7 years and just recently moving to Toyota, VW definatly has NOT got the reliability of some of the Jap cars. But that said they were really carefull when releasing the A5 Jetta. They wanted every little issue looked after right away to prove they can build a good car again (like they used too). If you are comparing a civic or any jap car to a VW check all the details, the trunk trim, headliner, plastic quility etc. you cannot beat a VW for that. The 2006 Avalon i pdi'ed the other day has a cheap feel to the carpet etc in the trunk compared to even a cl golf! I personally think driving 90% of Jap cars is so boring. They are like an appliance (reliable but boring). I ordered a 05 jetta right after i saw the A5 because it looked to much like a Corrolla and i love it. I cannot see my self trading it for a Toyota anytime soon. Talk to vwsalesguy and take one for a rip right after the civic, it will be waaayyyy quieter on the highway etc. Overall the VW is a more solid car, but what do i know i now fix Yarises!
