As some Vortexers know Len Hunt the VP of VWoA has been chatting with some members of the boards. Well I got the chance to exchange some PM's with him and he would really like out input on VW as a whole and what we would like to see from them (cars, service etc). So I told him I would ask around and get some opinions from VW owners and I was then asked to pass them onto his assistant. So here's your chance let to let VW hear your opinions as I believe now is the time they are listening more then ever. I also plugged our site so Mr. Hunt maybe even lurking around. Let me know what you think or if you think it is not worth your time or a bunch of BS don't bother posting, as I will just have a mod remove it so this thread can stay on topic. No major specific things please just how you feel about VW and how it could be better.
As was said before VW for me is not just a car but more of a lifestyle
As was said before VW for me is not just a car but more of a lifestyle
