Hey Newveedub guys,
Its been a looong time since I have been here so I ams ure some of you forgot me
but I have gotten back into modding my turbocharged bucket o' bolts so I thought I would post some pics and make an update (if you care haha)
Since I have been gone I have done a few mods:
- W8 sunroof console
- APR chip
- I also got some M3 mirrors but the shop down here in Montana couldn't figure out how to put them on grrrr
and thats about it I think
here are a couple of sorta low quality pics I took a few days ago. If anyone needs help installing their W8 console, I would be glad to help when I get back to calgary soon.

Its been a looong time since I have been here so I ams ure some of you forgot me

Since I have been gone I have done a few mods:
- W8 sunroof console
- APR chip
- I also got some M3 mirrors but the shop down here in Montana couldn't figure out how to put them on grrrr
and thats about it I think
