Sorry guys, but I'm still in the feeling out period with my car . . .
My gearbox is grinding sometimes. . . not sure if it's the trannie (heard that my particular model is prone to it . . . sycros me thinks) or the clutch. The clutch just plain seems weak to me. There's just not much feel to it and the stock rubber pads suck, especially when my shoes are wet (squeak, squeak!) The rubber pads have nothing to do with this, just wanted to throw it in there
If I'm sitting at a light and selct 1st, sometimes the car shudders a little. The gears also grind a little when I drop it into second like, let's say, before making a turn. If I drive hard, i don't feel anything . . . just at slower speeds.
I'm really not familiar with the car's setup yet b/c a)i haven't bought a manual yet and b)it's been typical crappy Maritime weather (snow followed by rain followed by ice pellets followed by 6 hours of warm weather while i'm at work followed by a deep freeze on the weekend)
I've read on Vortex that the VR6 clutch is a good upgrade from stock and that a TT linkage can vastly improve shifting.
BTW- engine code AWW if that helps
I know that I'm all the way across the country and that this is basically an Alberta VW forum, but you dudes have been super helpful, so I want to make sure that everybody who has PM'd me and those who have answered my questions know how helpful you've all been . . . just respect me in the morning
My gearbox is grinding sometimes. . . not sure if it's the trannie (heard that my particular model is prone to it . . . sycros me thinks) or the clutch. The clutch just plain seems weak to me. There's just not much feel to it and the stock rubber pads suck, especially when my shoes are wet (squeak, squeak!) The rubber pads have nothing to do with this, just wanted to throw it in there

If I'm sitting at a light and selct 1st, sometimes the car shudders a little. The gears also grind a little when I drop it into second like, let's say, before making a turn. If I drive hard, i don't feel anything . . . just at slower speeds.
I'm really not familiar with the car's setup yet b/c a)i haven't bought a manual yet and b)it's been typical crappy Maritime weather (snow followed by rain followed by ice pellets followed by 6 hours of warm weather while i'm at work followed by a deep freeze on the weekend)

I've read on Vortex that the VR6 clutch is a good upgrade from stock and that a TT linkage can vastly improve shifting.
BTW- engine code AWW if that helps
I know that I'm all the way across the country and that this is basically an Alberta VW forum, but you dudes have been super helpful, so I want to make sure that everybody who has PM'd me and those who have answered my questions know how helpful you've all been . . . just respect me in the morning
