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Warranty Headache.

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  • Warranty Headache.

    I was wondering if anyone has had any luck pursueing warranty claims with VWOC.

    I took my 2003 Jetta to the dealership (to remain unamed for now) & had them replace the drivers seat frame, & coolant temp sensor under warranty. No problem.

    A while back I had noticed that the grey squares were coming off the sport cloth near the drivers left leg. It appears that they are coming off were my leg compresses the seat. Dealership says it was caused by a cut in the fabric, but I am at a lose to explain how the fabric was cut. It makes no sense to me.

    Service manager says it has been cut. I say it no way it is possible. I phoned VWOC & they say that they trust the dealers diagnosis. They are all apologies, but that doesnt fix my seat.

    How can I go about having someone from VWOC take a look at this, as I think that my (perhaps former) dealership is not looking out for me on this one?

    Is it worth while to take it to another dealership for them to look at it?


    Last edited by gaffer; 11-01-2004, 04:40 PM. - This bugs for you

    “A man who says he does not let the little things bother him has never spent a night in a tent with a single mosquito” - Unknown

  • #2
    Re: Warranty Headache.

    I know Ryan had his claim escalated to some kind of local VW rep?

    Try another dealership. I have been badly treated before and usually if I go to another dealership, and explain that I just want fair treatment, they are happy to give things a second look.
    Last edited by Kor; 11-01-2004, 04:49 PM.
    Porsche 991 Carrera S


    • #3
      Re: Warranty Headache.

      you have to get in good with your service guy but yea i had my crappy leathers looked at by the western canada warranty guy.. took 1 look at my car and said damn nice car warranty work DONE! i would tell them you don't expect this kinda crap in a 30+ car


      • #4
        Re: Warranty Headache.

        Originally posted by Ryan
        i would tell them you don't expect this kinda crap in a 30+ car
        I have told them that so many ways, although they are not listening.

        Last edited by gaffer; 11-01-2004, 05:57 PM. - This bugs for you

        “A man who says he does not let the little things bother him has never spent a night in a tent with a single mosquito” - Unknown


        • #5
          Re: Warranty Headache.

          Basically, I think a lot of people abuse their warranty and try to claim things that are their own fault, etc. So the dealership has to take a pessimistic stance on warranty claims.

          The problem is that once they get the idea into their heads that "this customer is trying to rip us off" there is no way to dislodge it. In your case, its not true, you have a legitimate claim. But the dealership becomes hostile very quickly, since they do not see you as a legitimate "customer" any more.

          I don't know what the solution is, but even if you can't get the warranty claim sorted, you should lodge a complaint with both the dealership and VW formally. Tell them you were very unhappy with how you have been treated, spoken to, etc. These reviews are sent back to VW and they do impact the dealership at the end of the year!

          You can also mention on boards (like this one) what dealership it is, although in my experiences this opens a whole can of worms that is best left shut.

          I think its very sad that warranty claims are not handled in a better way, in these times when VW is finding that their main complaint is quality.
          Porsche 991 Carrera S


          • #6
            Re: Warranty Headache.

            The thing that really puzzles me is the lady I spoke with at VWOC says to me "Is there anything we can to to solve this problem?" Duh, fix the problem.

            It is too bad that we have gone from the days of "the customer is always right" to "the customer is trying to rip us off no matter what & the customer doesnt know what is going on"

            I did tell the lady at VWOC that this was my third VW, second at said dealership, and up until today, probably not my last.

            IMO I think that the good faith gesture of fixing it would have been repaid in positive word of mouth for the dealer & VW. Also, my brother in law is shopping for a new TDI. Karma baby.

            Ryan, do remember the name of the dude from VW that you spoke to about you leather replacement.

   - This bugs for you

            “A man who says he does not let the little things bother him has never spent a night in a tent with a single mosquito” - Unknown


            • #7
              Re: Warranty Headache.

              the service advisor paul from northland handled me and his is by far the best one working there.. he hooks me up whenever i'm in.. seat replacements.. free wheel lock key.. free oil change..

              if you talk to him in person just say you have a local buddy with leathers who had a wearing issue and he had his covers replaced


              • #8
                Re: Warranty Headache.

                Originally posted by Ryan
                the service advisor paul from northland handled me and his is by far the best one working there.. he hooks me up whenever i'm in.. seat replacements.. free wheel lock key.. free oil change..

                if you talk to him in person just say you have a local buddy with leathers who had a wearing issue and he had his covers replaced
                Thanks, I think that I will talk to NL today & see what happens.

       - This bugs for you

                “A man who says he does not let the little things bother him has never spent a night in a tent with a single mosquito” - Unknown


                • #9
                  Re: Warranty Headache.

                  Originally posted by Ryan
                  if you talk to him in person just say you have a local buddy with leathers who had a wearing issue and he had his covers replaced
                  ...Just maybe not in those exact words...

                  Sorry to hear about your problem, I think formal complaints is a good idea, and I agree with Chris, once they've got it in their head that you're trying to rip them off, you're gonna have a hard time getting them out of that mindset. I think it's Shameful that they won't be more accomidating to someone that has been that loyal to the dealership and has given them repeat business. It makes me shake my head as to what's wrong with the company (yes I think it's a bigger problem then the dealerships, if it was a dealership issue I think it would be isolated to a few isolated places).

                  Good luck.


                  • #10
                    Re: Warranty Headache.

                    And it could very well be cut with a clasp on cargo pants or something. When I was in getting my oilpan replaced, Northland said it was caused by damage. I said No way, I didn't hit anything, blah blah blah - so they took me under the lift and showed me. THEN I remembered a pot hole about a month earlier. Felt like kind of an ass.

                    By all means get a 2nd opinion but if the 2nd dealer says it looks cut...?

                    Fear is the element that unites all losers.


                    • #11
                      Re: Warranty Headache.

                      Originally posted by Khyron
                      By all means get a 2nd opinion but if the 2nd dealer says it looks cut...?


                      Post pics!
                      Porsche 991 Carrera S


                      • #12
                        Re: Warranty Headache.

                        Originally posted by Khyron
                        And it could very well be cut with a clasp on cargo pants or something. When I was in getting my oilpan replaced, Northland said it was caused by damage. I said No way, I didn't hit anything, blah blah blah - so they took me under the lift and showed me. THEN I remembered a pot hole about a month earlier. Felt like kind of an ass.

                        By all means get a 2nd opinion but if the 2nd dealer says it looks cut...?

                        I dont own cargo pants, I only wear jeans, khakis & suit pant. I have been raking my mind thinking about what could have possibly caused the damage & still dont know what would have caused this. One thing, I am sure that this is not a cut. The only place the car has ever been is in my posession & the dealerships.

                        I'll try to pst some pics.

                        Last edited by gaffer; 11-02-2004, 01:22 PM.
               - This bugs for you

                        “A man who says he does not let the little things bother him has never spent a night in a tent with a single mosquito” - Unknown


                        • #13
                          Re: Warranty Headache.


                          I went to NL today & talked to Paul. He was flattered that Ryan recommended him. Anyway, he took some pics & is sending them to the area quality rep to have a look at. His impression was that it was not a cut either. Good guy to deal with for sure. At least they were willing to escalate it to the next level, which was more than 5th ave (yah I said it) was willing to do for me. Even if it does not get fixed, I am already impressed.

                          On a side note, NL has some of the finest ladies working for them that I have ever seen in a dealership.

                          Thanks for the advise guys.

                 - This bugs for you

                          “A man who says he does not let the little things bother him has never spent a night in a tent with a single mosquito” - Unknown


                          • #14
                            Re: Warranty Headache.

                            haha sweet man.. i'm glad he was impressed he is the best SA i know so i give him props whenever NL or VWoC phones me.. as for the ladies BOOH YEA! the blonde sales girl and the recepionist are smoooookin


                            • #15
                              Re: Warranty Headache.

                              Originally posted by Ryan
                              haha sweet man.. i'm glad he was impressed he is the best SA i know so i give him props whenever NL or VWoC phones me.. as for the ladies BOOH YEA! the blonde sales girl and the recepionist are smoooookin
                              There were all sorts of cuties running around there.

                              There was also a smoking indigo blue Getta in there for service which I had never seen around. Had Kamei grill, hids and what looked like a 4motion or reiger painted valence. Paul said it was a customers.

                              Pure hotness all around.

                     - This bugs for you

                              “A man who says he does not let the little things bother him has never spent a night in a tent with a single mosquito” - Unknown

