Hi guys,
Its been a while since I have posted. Been busy down in California lately. Oh by the way the past two weeks have been 27-32c and sunny (sorry). I had to poke a little fun at you guys first.
Ok, so here is my delema. I loaned money to a fellow dubber (a friend I thought) who lived in edmonton. This is a fair amount of money $1000.00!!!
He was in trouble, seperating from 7year girlfriend and asked for my help. We both worked together at Southgate VW in Edmonton at the time. I was assured that he would pay me back in good time, either monthy or in lump sums!! Its been 6months and not one penny form him. He has since moved to Calgary and now works for on of the Calgary VW dealers in the the new car sales department.
His name is Howard Anglin. He drives two VWs a MII Green GTI and a MIII Black GTI.
Anybody who can get me intouch with Howard and help me get my money back form him...........I will pay you 15% finders fee..........that is $150.00 for anybody who can help me!!!!!!!Thanks guys,
(i really cant believe that a friend and fellow dubber is ripping me off)
Mike Ryan
Thanks Again

Its been a while since I have posted. Been busy down in California lately. Oh by the way the past two weeks have been 27-32c and sunny (sorry). I had to poke a little fun at you guys first.
Ok, so here is my delema. I loaned money to a fellow dubber (a friend I thought) who lived in edmonton. This is a fair amount of money $1000.00!!!
He was in trouble, seperating from 7year girlfriend and asked for my help. We both worked together at Southgate VW in Edmonton at the time. I was assured that he would pay me back in good time, either monthy or in lump sums!! Its been 6months and not one penny form him. He has since moved to Calgary and now works for on of the Calgary VW dealers in the the new car sales department.
His name is Howard Anglin. He drives two VWs a MII Green GTI and a MIII Black GTI.
Anybody who can get me intouch with Howard and help me get my money back form him...........I will pay you 15% finders fee..........that is $150.00 for anybody who can help me!!!!!!!Thanks guys,
(i really cant believe that a friend and fellow dubber is ripping me off)
Mike Ryan
Thanks Again