Disclaimer: Any modifications are at your own risk. I am not liable for any damage or harm that may occur from following this DIY.
Tools Required:
wrench 10
Small screwdriver
12 point (also called triple square) socket M12
Socket wrench
Soldering iron
Side by side comparison
1. Unhook the car battery.
2. Turn the steering wheel 90 degrees to the side. On the back there is a slot.
Insert the small screwdriver and then press down to release that side of the airbag. Turn 90 degrees and release the other side.
3. Unplug the Steering wheel loom harness connector.
4. Unscrew the steering wheel bolt. and remove the MK4 steering wheel.
5. Pull up on the yellow part of the MK5 airbag plug. Then you can pull the airbag plug out.
6. Pry up with the screwdriver on the MK4 airbag plug.
7. Cut the 4 wires from the MK4 steering wheel loom connector, leave about 5cm of wire on the connector.
8. Cut 4 wires from the MK5 steering wheel loom connector, also leave about 5cm of wire on the connector.
9. Making the custom Loom:
The MK4 connector has 5 slots for wires, I have named them A,B,C,D,E from the left. There are only 4 wires in the connector, The wire that sits at the most outside edge is A. E is an empty slot without a wire.
The MK5 airbag plug has numbers 1 and 2 written on it.
Solder A to the wire coming out of the MK5 plug 2
Solder B to the wire coming out of the MK5 plug 1
The MK5 airbag has 2 black wires, one has 2 spots it is connected to the airbag, one has 1 spot.
Solder C to the wire with 2 connections.
Solder D to the wire with 1 connection.
Use heat shrink tubing to seal your connections.
10. Plug in the MK5 airbag plug into the MK5 airbag.
11. Put the MK5 steering wheel on the MK4 steering spline (due to the clockspring the car on, it will only fit one way) and screw the bolt tight. The MK4 steering wheel bolt has blue locktite on it from the factory, you can apply some also.
12. Connect the custom steering wheel loom you just made.
13. Push the airbag into place, it will just click and lock itself.
14. Reconnect the battery.
15. Start the car from the passenger's seat, just in case the airbag goes off.
16. Enjoy the new look and feel of your MK4.
Tools Required:
wrench 10
Small screwdriver
12 point (also called triple square) socket M12
Socket wrench
Soldering iron
Side by side comparison
1. Unhook the car battery.
2. Turn the steering wheel 90 degrees to the side. On the back there is a slot.
Insert the small screwdriver and then press down to release that side of the airbag. Turn 90 degrees and release the other side.
3. Unplug the Steering wheel loom harness connector.
4. Unscrew the steering wheel bolt. and remove the MK4 steering wheel.
5. Pull up on the yellow part of the MK5 airbag plug. Then you can pull the airbag plug out.
6. Pry up with the screwdriver on the MK4 airbag plug.
7. Cut the 4 wires from the MK4 steering wheel loom connector, leave about 5cm of wire on the connector.
8. Cut 4 wires from the MK5 steering wheel loom connector, also leave about 5cm of wire on the connector.
9. Making the custom Loom:
The MK4 connector has 5 slots for wires, I have named them A,B,C,D,E from the left. There are only 4 wires in the connector, The wire that sits at the most outside edge is A. E is an empty slot without a wire.
The MK5 airbag plug has numbers 1 and 2 written on it.
Solder A to the wire coming out of the MK5 plug 2
Solder B to the wire coming out of the MK5 plug 1
The MK5 airbag has 2 black wires, one has 2 spots it is connected to the airbag, one has 1 spot.
Solder C to the wire with 2 connections.
Solder D to the wire with 1 connection.
Use heat shrink tubing to seal your connections.
10. Plug in the MK5 airbag plug into the MK5 airbag.
11. Put the MK5 steering wheel on the MK4 steering spline (due to the clockspring the car on, it will only fit one way) and screw the bolt tight. The MK4 steering wheel bolt has blue locktite on it from the factory, you can apply some also.
12. Connect the custom steering wheel loom you just made.
13. Push the airbag into place, it will just click and lock itself.
14. Reconnect the battery.
15. Start the car from the passenger's seat, just in case the airbag goes off.
16. Enjoy the new look and feel of your MK4.