Re: Thoughts on APR vs. Malone tune for TDI
I'm not sure if you're serious or not, but I didn't think they were all that great. I ran three different UPsolute tunes and all they seemed to do was dump more fuel and add a little more boost. They were "ok" for just a chip or injectors, but nothing to boost about. I ran two cars with it and blew both engines up running that chip and I only put 30,000 km's on one of the engines with the chip and 40,000 km's with the other. I have also run the Rocketchip by a vendor in the States for about 60,000 km's problem free. I have put just over 80,000 km's on my Stage 5+ tune from Mark Malone and have yet to have any issues. The Malone tune is specific to your car, and your car only. He starts with a generic tune and then molds it to exactly how your car is setup and how it is running. In my opinion, that's what makes it such a good tune. He's also willing to fine tune it and make any adjustments for you whenever you need or want them.
Originally posted by bart
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