So, now with my mew intake I began to notice that I get sounds when accelerating (at any throttle w/boost) that are similar to blow off sounds, just like a constant noise...then ocassionally I can lift my foot off the throttle and burp it again, and the extra pssshhhht noise is gone (you can actually hear it go shhhhhhtpppp) and replaced with the proper clean turbo whistle...Almost like the fluctuation in pressure causes it to seal better....I also get a little more oompf out of it when its not "leaking", but I don't see anything different on the boost guage, still spiking at 14ish and holding 12-13.....Its not honking though, as I've heard they can do....anyone else had this problem, and maybe have an extra DV laying around?? I want to buy the forge, almost did the other day, but wanted to see if this was actually happening to me...Oh, and does the forge sound better than the funny factory DV sound?? I hate that horse like sound....The car has 40k on it now.....HELP!