Some mofo decided to hit and run my mk2 Jetta this weekend
Judging from the height of the damage, it was definitely a sport utility or truck. I'm pretty pissed off that they didn't even leave a note or anything. I mean, for fruks sake, it's a rusty old '85 Jetta! I would have settled for a new tail light and had Rudy's hammer out the dents a little. Probably wouldn't have cost them more than 200 bucks or so
But karma will prevail. I'm sure this prick will get hit by an LRT on the way to work or get diagnosed with crabs or something...... some people just have no shame.
Here's the damage....

Now the top of the trunk lid has a gap in the seem....

And the rusty part actually punched right through to the inside of the trunk!...

Here's the damage....

Now the top of the trunk lid has a gap in the seem....

And the rusty part actually punched right through to the inside of the trunk!...
