I noticed the other day that my car was no longer Reflex Silver, but rather Montezuma's Revenge Brown due to a week's worth of slushy roads. Pressed for time I opted to go through the automatic carwash by my house rather than the preferred coin carwash.
After the attendant had given my car a sound rinsing, I roll the window down, give him my wash ticket and as he starts the wash I notice that my window refuses to go up. After repeatedly tugging on the switch, my window decides to see what it's like deep in the recess of my driver's side door. The cheeky bastard dropped right down and was now rattling inside the door!
What ensued was a stream of expletives spouting from my mouth at a rate that would do credit to a Porsche. Hearing my colorful language, the attendant looks over and seeing the state of my window - or rather, my window frame, quickly stops the wash before I get an unwarranted shower.
I was the unfortunate victim of a window regulator failure. I don't know what was worse - having my regulatah' fail, or having the aggravated drivers behind me all back up so I could get out.
I immediately drove to SouthCenter where they gave my car the ol' once over while I watched some lucky sod take delivery of his new 911 turbo. Oddly enough, he never did offer me a ride in it... but I digress.
Returning to the service area I was told how they employed the utmost of high-tech solutions to my car. Not having the part available at the moment, they placed a 2x4 inside my door to prop the window closed. So now I drive around with a wooden dildo in my door as I wait for them to get the part in.
As an aside - I told them about my blown DV, so when it goes in to get the new regulator, I'll have a new valve thrown in too. My dad also took pity on me and is letting me have his E500 while the work gets done.
Has this happened to anyone here? How long does it typically take for the part to come in? It was supposed to be in today, but alas, no call.
Sorry for the long post, just felt like venting a bit.
After the attendant had given my car a sound rinsing, I roll the window down, give him my wash ticket and as he starts the wash I notice that my window refuses to go up. After repeatedly tugging on the switch, my window decides to see what it's like deep in the recess of my driver's side door. The cheeky bastard dropped right down and was now rattling inside the door!
What ensued was a stream of expletives spouting from my mouth at a rate that would do credit to a Porsche. Hearing my colorful language, the attendant looks over and seeing the state of my window - or rather, my window frame, quickly stops the wash before I get an unwarranted shower.
I was the unfortunate victim of a window regulator failure. I don't know what was worse - having my regulatah' fail, or having the aggravated drivers behind me all back up so I could get out.
I immediately drove to SouthCenter where they gave my car the ol' once over while I watched some lucky sod take delivery of his new 911 turbo. Oddly enough, he never did offer me a ride in it... but I digress.
Returning to the service area I was told how they employed the utmost of high-tech solutions to my car. Not having the part available at the moment, they placed a 2x4 inside my door to prop the window closed. So now I drive around with a wooden dildo in my door as I wait for them to get the part in.
As an aside - I told them about my blown DV, so when it goes in to get the new regulator, I'll have a new valve thrown in too. My dad also took pity on me and is letting me have his E500 while the work gets done.

Has this happened to anyone here? How long does it typically take for the part to come in? It was supposed to be in today, but alas, no call.
Sorry for the long post, just felt like venting a bit.