Bored at work doing some research in regard to my oil pan (since I hear many people dumped on coilz go through them fairly often) and the roads here are ****, bottomed out a few times already. Just trying to save myself a hassle and find out some info regarding a replacement oil pan. From what I've seen online, the Hybrid pan (half aluminum, half steel) is the way to go (as seen below).
Now my question is... Looking on a different website, shows that "apparently" the Hybrid oil pans came on the 2004.5 - 2005 1.8T's... Never heard this before, is this some joe-blow site with incorrect information? (seen below).
If that IS the case, and they do come updated in those years, I should be good to go (since my weird MK4 comes up in VW's system as a 2006, also show's on my build sheet 2006 as well - had a few arguments with people explaining my car is an 06 MK4 and they look at me and laugh - to save the BS, I usually just say 2004.5!
Now my question is... Looking on a different website, shows that "apparently" the Hybrid oil pans came on the 2004.5 - 2005 1.8T's... Never heard this before, is this some joe-blow site with incorrect information? (seen below).
If that IS the case, and they do come updated in those years, I should be good to go (since my weird MK4 comes up in VW's system as a 2006, also show's on my build sheet 2006 as well - had a few arguments with people explaining my car is an 06 MK4 and they look at me and laugh - to save the BS, I usually just say 2004.5!
