I had a coolant hose explode on me today, making a big mess in the parking lot. It happened just as my girlfriend and her co-workers were leaving their work. And here I am in front of their door, with coolant all over their parking.
Not my best impression.
I figured out it was one of the hoses going to the back of the EGR cooler. I replaced the hose with a Fuel rated tube (only tube I could find with the right inner diameter) and topped my coolant tank up with some VW Coolant.
I tested for leaks and physically, everything looks fine.
I started the car but my Coolant Light keeps blinking now.
I checked the reservoir and the level looks good. I also kept a close eye on my temperature gauge while I drove home (45 min) but it stayed just below the 90 mark.
I was told I might have air in the coolant system and that it was going to be a big hassle to get it out.
Any advice on what might be wrong?

I figured out it was one of the hoses going to the back of the EGR cooler. I replaced the hose with a Fuel rated tube (only tube I could find with the right inner diameter) and topped my coolant tank up with some VW Coolant.
I tested for leaks and physically, everything looks fine.
I started the car but my Coolant Light keeps blinking now.
I checked the reservoir and the level looks good. I also kept a close eye on my temperature gauge while I drove home (45 min) but it stayed just below the 90 mark.
I was told I might have air in the coolant system and that it was going to be a big hassle to get it out.
Any advice on what might be wrong?
