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New to modding, I need help!

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  • #16
    Re: New to modding, I need help!

    looks like the c pillar's are hologramed, only a rotary polisher will take that out. Has the car been "detailed" by someone inexperienced before?
    Last edited by Hardy_Boy; 04-14-2012, 09:40 AM.


    • #17
      Re: New to modding, I need help!

      The "wing" will fit for sure as i'm 99% sure they were available for GTI's as well, however if my memory serves me correctly they are about $400
      Instagram: @parkus08

      91 BMW 340is ///M-Tech II - Under construction
      08 VW .:R32
      04 Audi A4 Avant 1.8TQ


      • #18
        Re: New to modding, I need help!

        no i don't think they car has been detailed by someone in experienced before. and that wing may be a little steep on cash haha. well see. thanks for the tips.

        no as far as de-badging goes, I've done some reading and, I've heard the silver lettering/numbering are just stickers, and to remove them i can just use some floss to get them off, is this true? i just don't want to take them off and find out that there is no paint under the lettering.


        • #19
          Re: New to modding, I need help!

          Yup just comes off with some floss and goo gone.
          Calgary Autoworks

          2004.5 Jetta GLI
          2005 Audi Allroad


          • #20
            Re: New to modding, I need help!

            Use a heat gun too, it will make the glue come off easier. Just a word of warning with a black car, the sun will have made the color fade lightly, so even after debadging you will see where all the badges were. Be prepared to buff the sh!t out of your hatch to make it all disappear (as much as possible)
            Instagram: @parkus08

            91 BMW 340is ///M-Tech II - Under construction
            08 VW .:R32
            04 Audi A4 Avant 1.8TQ


            • #21
              Re: New to modding, I need help!

              ok great, and good point P Arkus, that makes perfect sense! Im not too sure if this would be a good idea, but one of my buddies told me to get a 2.Slow Badge on there haha, I'm not too sure what to think of his suggestion. what do u guys think?


              • #22
                Re: New to modding, I need help!

                Its been done before but thats a matter of taste and what you think of it. If you like it, do it
                Instagram: @parkus08

                91 BMW 340is ///M-Tech II - Under construction
                08 VW .:R32
                04 Audi A4 Avant 1.8TQ


                • #23
                  Re: New to modding, I need help!

                  If you debadge and there is some fading(which mine had) You can buy some good buffing agents and ya like P arkus stated get your elbows warmed's amazing what some effort can do to some dull paint. remember to pull all the tags off your cloth before you get at it, that tag can make an hours work go bye bye.


                  • #24
                    Re: New to modding, I need help!

                    My car looked like yours but after a weekend of clay bar and waxing/polishing its a huge difference. You will have fading on the back from the bagdes for sure.

                    If you are looking for some good claybar and wax or any cleaning products let me know. I can help you out and get you in the right direction.
                    MKV VW .:R32 // BMW E30 M-Tech II // Audi A4 Avant
                    Instagram @tlarkus


                    • #25
                      Re: New to modding, I need help!

                      I'm not going to read this whole thread but here's my 2c. I've been doing this for a few years and had a Mk4 when they first came out.

                      1. Clean and polish the car, make it spotless, clean the undercarriage, door jambs, etc. Take care of the interior as well. This is more important than any mod. A brand new looking stock car turns more heads than a filthy beaten down modded car (with some exceptions e.g. if you go rat rod). YOUR CAR NEEDS A PROFESSIONAL POWER POLISH ASAP.

                      2. You can have Show or Go but not both (if you want to do things right, are inexperienced, and don't have an unlimited budget). Don't try and straddle the line too much, decide up front if you want a good looking car that you are okay just cruising in, or if you want a fast car and want to tinker with the engine exhaust etc. Only spend your money on the one or the other.

                      3. Wheels and drop are all you need for looks, everything else you buy is almost a waste of money compared to the difference that the right wheels and ride height will make. You might think that your exhaust tips are a big deal, or that an intake would be cool, or that the antenna is a problem, but honestly that **** is splitting hairs and doesn't matter in the long run. Better to save your cash for wheels and the drop, period. The next cosmetic thing you should do on your car is drop it, anything else for looks is a waste of money.

                      4. Your choices for dropping the height are airbags, coilovers or a cup kit on a Mk4. Just springs is very sketchy on this car because of the way the stock suspension is built. If you are new at this I would not get airbags. My rule for suspension is get expensive good gear or don't do it at all... budget coilovers or cup kits are crap so get something that will last and ride nice.

                      5. Don't put cheaply made **** on even if you think it looks good. If possible always get OEM or name brand stuff, make sure that it "bolts on" when you install it, anything that needs glue or screws or cutting is going to be something you could regret.

                      6. My rule of thumb; when it comes to putting down power, if it doesn't make at least a 15% improvement, don't do it. And this includes avoiding combinations, if you think you can get 5% from one thing and 10% from another thing, that's not enough, don't do it. The reason is that most of these kinds of mods become a maintenance nightmare, reduce the value of the car, and do not work together as you expect them to over time.
                      Last edited by Kor; 04-14-2012, 06:59 PM.
                      Porsche 991 Carrera S


                      • #26
                        Re: New to modding, I need help!

                        wow kor, thats a really usefull 2 cents. I decided to go for looks. the city 2.0 is definitly not made for speed. like you said, i think the polish and the drop, is next on my list. Vwsweetheart is helping with the polishing and such, but I still have no idea what to do on the drop. I've heard that coil overs is going to be my best bet.


                        • #27
                          Re: New to modding, I need help!

                          Originally posted by danaldson View Post
                          wow kor, thats a really usefull 2 cents. I decided to go for looks. the city 2.0 is definitly not made for speed. like you said, i think the polish and the drop, is next on my list. Vwsweetheart is helping with the polishing and such, but I still have no idea what to do on the drop. I've heard that coil overs is going to be my best bet.
                          I've been reading this/these posts from the start...Kor has just answered ALL of your Q's...Kor...the beerz on me when I finally meet you...where they serve beer...or I have beer!!!
                          danaldson...IMA BEE DOING coilovers in the next 6 weeks...lets have a GTG, there are a few guys that will help...maybe a BBQ...
                          Hers 2009 Audi A4 6sp manual
                          Mine....2005 Golf TDI, VNT 17, Malone tuned stage 4, Spec stage 2 clutch, FMIC, Ventectomy, NewSouth gauges, BuzzKen 2.5 turbo back exhaust, Evolution Skidplate, Helix OEM Reps retrofitted with Morimoto Bixenon mini's, ST coils, colour matched Huffs. Frostheater


                          • #28
                            Re: New to modding, I need help!

                            Not all cars have the fade from the badges. Mine is a black 2003 Mk4 and when I debaged it I had 0 fade. Just polish the area after you debadge it and hope for the best. Goodluck.


                            • #29
                              Re: New to modding, I need help!

                              yo dan, if you wanna split the cost of some of that polishing stuff i would be down to make a day of it.
                              everyone could use a good scrub!
                              I'm bay curious.


                              • #30
                                Re: New to modding, I need help!

                                Yeah sure sounds good eric, depending what time I get off work tonight, I might pick up the stuff. Or else I'll just pick it up tommorow it something

