So.. my jetta is about a year old, just under 15000 km's, and the front end has been vibrating. Had a wheel bearing replaced last week, and the vibration and noise, while lessened, is still present. My guess is the OTHER wheel bearing on the other side is the culprit, but does anyone have any other suggestions I could have them look at? It's annoying as hell. I also can't suggest much and they seem reluctant to actually look. I also repair objects based on just hearing them. Like when my TV stopped making sound, I knew it should be repaired. My sink was leaking, so I used my ears to tell where it was leaking and repair it. My penis wouldn't get hard so I listened really closely and was able to find the source of the problem.
Vibration occurs primarily at low end speeds doing sharp corners or middling speed doing regular corners. Seems possibly connecting to initial acceleration at times as well. It's a diesel engine so it's hard to hear but you can feel that **** on the throttle and brake peddles, as well as the clutch. Tech's couldn't hear it until I drove 2 of them around in the car, and suddenly they could.
VW has been good about it, outside of actually lifting it up and checking, but the loaner car they gave me was a light blue bug. Couldn't care less what colour it was, until I tried to sit in the stupid thing. Looks big, fucking tiny. Six foot seven + tiny car = upset driver.
Vibration occurs primarily at low end speeds doing sharp corners or middling speed doing regular corners. Seems possibly connecting to initial acceleration at times as well. It's a diesel engine so it's hard to hear but you can feel that **** on the throttle and brake peddles, as well as the clutch. Tech's couldn't hear it until I drove 2 of them around in the car, and suddenly they could.
VW has been good about it, outside of actually lifting it up and checking, but the loaner car they gave me was a light blue bug. Couldn't care less what colour it was, until I tried to sit in the stupid thing. Looks big, fucking tiny. Six foot seven + tiny car = upset driver.