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  • #31
    Re: yes!!!!

    Whoa, wtf! That was fast! They look great too!
    Calgary Autoworks

    2004.5 Jetta GLI
    2005 Audi Allroad


    • #32
      Re: yes!!!!

      picked those up from you, stopped at canadian tire on the way home, got some supplies and got to work haha i was up til like 1 am finishing them so i could drive my car today


      • #33
        Re: yes!!!!

        Haha, i don't doubt it, that was like not even a 24 hour turnaround!
        Calgary Autoworks

        2004.5 Jetta GLI
        2005 Audi Allroad


        • #34
          Re: yes!!!!

          hmm, well if you decide on going hard lines. I might be willing to take all the fittings and hose you got for my wagon....just idea.

          Im guessing you are gonna have this going for spring? Only thing im not too confident on the wiring aspect to it all. I fucking hate wiring!! haha Maybe when your in the process of doing that i could come lend you a hand and maybe learn a few things.
          mk4 wagon


          • #35
            Re: yes!!!!

            Originally posted by blackradon View Post
            hmm, well if you decide on going hard lines. I might be willing to take all the fittings and hose you got for my wagon....just idea.

            Im guessing you are gonna have this going for spring? Only thing im not too confident on the wiring aspect to it all. I fucking hate wiring!! haha Maybe when your in the process of doing that i could come lend you a hand and maybe learn a few things.
            gonna try and have it going over my christmas break. i finished all the wiring already but if you need a hand i would be willing to help out!


            • #36
              Re: yes!!!!

              James if you need a hand doing wiring/setting stuff up let me know!

              Martin: is it done yet?
              Calgary Autoworks

              2004.5 Jetta GLI
              2005 Audi Allroad


              • #37
                Re: yes!!!!

                Ah sweet, moving along nicely then. Where are the pictures? Haha. Where did you guys get all your fitting and such? Can you get these fitting and line at napa? Probably cost an arm and a leg from there.

                I'll for sure let you know if I need and hand with anything. I'm not too sure how it gonna lay out really. Gonna have to make a new sub box and move lot of crap around. It's looking pretty good so far Martin, can't wait too see it all up and running. Are you gonna notch you frame?
                mk4 wagon


                • #38
                  Re: yes!!!!

                  If you want to roll low notching is a must, mine has self notched from the axle banging against the frame while driving low.
                  Calgary Autoworks

                  2004.5 Jetta GLI
                  2005 Audi Allroad


                  • #39
                    Re: yes!!!!

                    not done yet haha im waiting for a friend to move into his new house so i can get some welding done (frame notch, bag brackets, fill hood notch) no pics from the wiring i got kinda lazy. the kit i bought from AAC ( came with all the fittings i needed but if you were to source them locally im not really sure where you would go if you were gonna do hardlines you could probably just go to home depot but for PTC fittings i have no clue.
                    Last edited by martin13; 12-18-2010, 07:03 PM.


                    • #40
                      Re: yes!!!!

                      Bringing this back up.

                      How did it turn out?
                      mk4 wagon


                      • #41
                        Re: yes!!!!

                        Calgary Autoworks

                        2004.5 Jetta GLI
                        2005 Audi Allroad


                        • #42
                          Re: yes!!!!

                          Shiiiiiiit that looks good

                          2004 VW R32 Turbo


                          • #43
                            Re: yes!!!!

                            always liked your car, good choice on the wheels.


                            • #44
                              Re: yes!!!!

                              Awesome. Looks great I too like the wheel choice. How did you end up running everything in the trunk? End up going hardline? With it starting too warm up and I have the garage back too use now so I can begin planning out the lay out and such.
                              mk4 wagon


                              • #45
                                Re: yes!!!!

                                haha thanks for posting the picture colin. thanks for the compliments guys. i have re arranged the trunk about 3 times now.

                                everything was kind of jammed in the spare tire well at first

                                but then i did this

                                i ended up moving the compressor out of there though. it was too hot and it got super loud mounted directly to the car. the most recent pic i have is the one colin posted. i didnt go with hardlines but i just bought a tubing bender yesterday so im gonna start working on that soon.

                                edit: i notched the frame too
                                Last edited by martin13; 04-12-2011, 10:26 PM.

