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TDI questions

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  • #16
    Re: TDI questions

    I am surprised no one asked you which TDI you have. ALH motors (99-2003) are ok with any of the oils listed but PDs (04+) will need different oil. If it is an ALH the smoke sounds about normal. You can adjust the IQ setting with Vag-com to clear up a bit of it. You might also need the intake cleaned and while you are at it turn the EGR duty cycle down (also with vag-com). If you are chipped I would also suggest a boost gauge and boost valve asap. You can get Mann filters (basically OEM) at NAPA. If the fuel filter looks old best to do that also. If you are in the NW feel free to drop by and I can show you the ins and outs of TDI's.
    Name: Brent
    His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
    Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
    Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.


    • #17
      Re: TDI questions

      There are countless debates on what oil to use on PD engines. Your supposed to use a VW505.01 approved oil but the 505.01 standard is old and many people believe new diesel oils are better than 505.01. Also there are not very many 505.01 approved oils out there. I run Delvac 1 in my PD.


      • #18
        Re: TDI questions

        Be careful with the oil...some years of TDI have very specific oil requirements.
        2004 VW Jetta TDI Sport


        • #19
          Re: TDI questions

          Guess I should have read page 2 of this thread as the other TDI guys piped in with the special oil requirements.
          2004 VW Jetta TDI Sport


          • #20
            Re: TDI questions

            Stupid expensive oil. I honestly think they have a deal with the oil industry. "Hey we'll
            Make diesel cars and say they need this oil from you guys, we're also going to use you're fuel!" there's lots of debate, huge thread on tdi club about it. Some have also ran approved oil and had the same outcome. Your choice.


            • #21
              Re: TDI questions

              These are the VW oils I carry:
              VW 502.00/505.00
              VW 502 00/505 00/505 01
              VW 502/505 01
              VW 504.00/507.00

              and each refer to a different engine. Yes they are expensive, but in the long run it will be cheaper than replacing the engine or other costly repairs.

              x2 with the mann filter. They are nice because they come with new o-rings
              Now offering detailing services!!

              United Motorsport, Kerma TDI, KW, APR, COBB, Magnaflow, K&N, AFE, Motul, Lubromoly, Sonax, Air Lift, HPA, Ohlins, Klutch Wheels, Remus Exhaust

     / / GTR Auto Facebook


              • #22
                Re: TDI questions

                There is a Castrol Syntec that is 505.01 that I have bought at the Mr. Lube beside Peter's Drive-In. You can get the Motul there too and at Matrix Motorsports (Country Hills Toyota).
                2012 VW Jetta GLI


                • #23
                  Re: TDI questions

                  Castrol in my opinion is quite hydroscopic and tends to really like to absorb water and not burn it off.
                  Not so good for start ups.


                  • #24
                    Re: TDI questions

                    Originally posted by Stonewall View Post
                    I am surprised no one asked you which TDI you have. ALH motors (99-2003) are ok with any of the oils listed but PDs (04+) will need different oil.
                    That is highly debatable...


                    • #25
                      Re: TDI questions

                      Originally posted by VWSM View Post
                      Castrol in my opinion is quite hydroscopic and tends to really like to absorb water and not burn it off.
                      Not so good for start ups.
                      So what do you recommend? I have only used the Castrol once in the 5 years I owned the car and like the Motul better.
                      2012 VW Jetta GLI


                      • #26
                        Re: TDI questions

                        There is a huge amount of oil analysis and comparison on TDIClub.


                        Both the Mobil TDT and the Rotella T6 are easy to find and are giving numbers as good or better than anything.

                        If you really care, get an oil analysis. It is low cost and you can find out if there are any problems with your car and ensure the oil is working for you.


                        • #27
                          Re: TDI questions

                          Alh, new to the car, check your intake to see how plugged it is.

                          Oils, well many people have their own opinions and experiences so its like treading through a forest fire.
                          505.00 which is for all engines that are ALH or older is a 5w40 or 0w40 spec.
                          505.01 is typically for PD engines, although the oil weight has changed in the last few years. It used to be 5w40 and still is for some oil manufactures, but lately is been going to the 5w30 spec.
                          506.00 was suppose to replace both 505.xx specs and was a 5w30 spec. Only problem is that many people started having cam problems in PD engines and started blaming the oil on the problems. The lighter weight of the oil was given a lot of blame so people then had to find a suitable replacement.
                          507 + Use this in the 2009 or newer TDi's, maybe even the V10 Tdi toureg, not sure about the specs though on that one. If you use a lower spec oil in the newer cars you will have problems as the DPF's are going to plug up as the older oils are not made to work with these systems. If you want a way better explanation on this go to tdiclub and look to see what way more knowledgeable people then me have said.

                          For oil changes on TDi's the cost might seem expensive, but in the end its really not as bad as it seems. Oil from Crappy tire you can get the Mobile 1 TDT for $50 for 5l which works well in both ALH's and PD's and a $10 filter. Do this every 16,000 km's and you have have your oil changes.
                          Typical gas car, $15 for a non synthetic oil, $10 for a filter every 5,000 km's.

                          So the gas car you need the time to do three oil changes at $25 an oil change to meet the $60 TDi oil change you had to do once. With those calculations which oil schedule is costing you less in time and $?

                          If you want cheap oil for the TDi ALH that will work fine go for the Shell Synthetic 0w40 or 5w40 in the diesel section. Cheapest from what I can see online local is UFA, go look up their synthetic oil costs, beats Crappy tire hands down.

                          I don't think you have an oil issue, I would check the intake or atleast pull off that 90` elbow before the egr and take a look before you start throwing parts at the problem.

                          Just my 3.5 cents in the whole debate.

                          2016 Ram 3500 Laramie
                          2000 Jetta TDi, Dead and removing parts
                          2005 Passat Wagon TDi, 310,000 km's and counting, BSM delete done....Trans died going to replace
                          2016 Toyota Highlander XLE Pearl White


                          • #28
                            Re: TDI questions

                            Originally posted by Red90 View Post
                            That is highly debatable...
                            Everything is debatable.
                            Name: Brent
                            His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
                            Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
                            Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.


                            • #29
                              Re: TDI questions

                              Originally posted by Stonewall View Post
                              Everything is debatable.
                              Yes, but in this case there is a large amount of data showing the oils work as well as anything on a PD......


                              • #30
                                Re: TDI questions

                                Sent the wife to wallyworld to get Mobil TDT, they didn't have it :(
                                Name: Brent
                                His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
                                Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
                                Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.

