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TDI questions

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  • TDI questions

    Hey guys, I just have a few questions about TDI's. I have a MK4 Golf TDI and I've noticed that it smokes like crazy. I got a diesel injector cleaner that was supposed to help get rid of some of the smoke and help my gas millage...turns out that it didn't do anything for the smoking and the gas millage got worst. Any ideas about what to do there?

    Also, time is coming up for me to do my first oil change for this car too. Any suggestions on best engine oil and what oil filters to get?


  • #2
    Re: TDI questions

    first oil change ever?! scary.

    2010 Jetta TDI 6 SPD - Stock Comfortline model


    • #3
      Re: TDI questions

      Since I've owned the car, I've never had a TDI before
      Last edited by thegooddie; 11-10-2010, 01:44 PM.


      • #4
        Re: TDI questions

        yeah they go forever. I just take it to the dealer (leased car) and put in what they recommend is best. if it fucks up they're liable.

        2010 Jetta TDI 6 SPD - Stock Comfortline model


        • #5
          Re: TDI questions

          TDI is stock?
          Smokes all the time or just starting? or just accel?

          How is the air filter? A TDI with no air with smoke pretty bad and get bad mileage.
          Last edited by stefan; 11-10-2010, 02:03 PM.
          -> '19 Deep Black Pearl Alltrack
          -> '05 Urban Grey Passat Wagon TDI.
          -> Past rides: '14 Allroad, 06 Mazda5, '98 Jetta K2, '01 Jetta TDI, '91 Mazda B2200, '81 Toyota Cressida
          -> FutuRe Ride...??!


          • #6
            Re: TDI questions

            I use Mobil Delvac 1. Snow screen might be plugged as well.


            • #7
              Re: TDI questions

              these gentlemen are far more knowledgeable than I, on the subject. Heed their words.

              2010 Jetta TDI 6 SPD - Stock Comfortline model


              • #8
                Re: TDI questions

                Yah, check the air filter and snow screen. It really needs to be put on Vag-com and logged to see if something is wrong.

                You just missed a smoking deal on Rotella at CT ($22 per jug). I would suggest Mobil TDT at Wallyworld.




                • #9
                  Re: TDI questions

                  The car is chipped so not completely stock. It sometimes smokes on start, as far as I can tell mainly smokes while accelerating.
                  Any suggestions on oil filters?
                  Thanks again for your help. I'm going to look at the air filter and snow screen tonight when I get home.
                  Last edited by thegooddie; 11-10-2010, 04:19 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: TDI questions

                    Sounds kinda like normal. How much smoke?


                    • #11
                      Re: TDI questions

                      not really sure how to describe it. but when i step on the gas and the revs build up, i can see in my rear view that there's a cloud of smoke that's left behind


                      • #12
                        Re: TDI questions

                        sounds normal....especially in the dark with the headlights on in the car behind you.


                        • #13
                          Re: TDI questions

                          I'd say smoke is normal, heavy smoke in chipped alh engines is ok from what I've read.


                          • #14
                            Re: TDI questions

                            If the car is chipped, then smoke is normal. The ECU is just dumping more diesel in the engine through the injectors. Thats how you get more power out of diesel engines..more fuel=more power. This is not the same with gasoline cars unless you increase the air your engine breaths ie. turbos.
                            TWO TON ENGINE LIFT/CRANE FOR RENT
                            PM me if you need one!!


                            • #15
                              Re: TDI questions

                              Originally posted by thegooddie View Post
                              Hey guys, I just have a few questions about TDI's. I have a MK4 Golf TDI and I've noticed that it smokes like crazy. I got a diesel injector cleaner that was supposed to help get rid of some of the smoke and help my gas millage...turns out that it didn't do anything for the smoking and the gas millage got worst. Any ideas about what to do there?

                              Also, time is coming up for me to do my first oil change for this car too. Any suggestions on best engine oil and what oil filters to get?

                              For oil I use Motul in my TDI. Filter, whatever is available. If you can get Mann filters they are good. Make sure you replace the 2 O-rings that come with the new filter every time!
                              2012 VW Jetta GLI

