Sorry no pics. I'll get some.
So, I took a few items from Remedys. The Monoblock Reps, the ABD stage 2 intake, the open grill fogs, and the Eurojet PCV fix.
Got everything installed, car runs great and sounds great.
So I had a steering wheel vibration under load. I thought it was the used tires I had had on previously, when I put the the reps on, I figured it would be gone.
The thing is that the vibration comes about when I load up the engine. So I installed the 3 VF Engineering Engine mounts. That helped slightlt but didn't eliminate it. BTW they really compliment this motor and improve, sound, handling, clutch feel, power, just nice and firm.
But I still have that pesky vibration. I'm thinking the spark plug intensity weakens under high boost on one or multiple cylinders and that creates a bit of a shudder causing the vibration. Anyone agree with this theory. Either that or I got some shot bearings.
Should I use OEM plugs, or does anyone have any recommendations?
On another note, I saw a thread on the tex about rerouting the PCV evac to the exhaust pipe after the cat. Uses a vac for better evac. I think this will be a mod in the future, because the intake valves get rotten with carbon deposit if not. unless you have water/meth.
So, I took a few items from Remedys. The Monoblock Reps, the ABD stage 2 intake, the open grill fogs, and the Eurojet PCV fix.
Got everything installed, car runs great and sounds great.
So I had a steering wheel vibration under load. I thought it was the used tires I had had on previously, when I put the the reps on, I figured it would be gone.
The thing is that the vibration comes about when I load up the engine. So I installed the 3 VF Engineering Engine mounts. That helped slightlt but didn't eliminate it. BTW they really compliment this motor and improve, sound, handling, clutch feel, power, just nice and firm.
But I still have that pesky vibration. I'm thinking the spark plug intensity weakens under high boost on one or multiple cylinders and that creates a bit of a shudder causing the vibration. Anyone agree with this theory. Either that or I got some shot bearings.
Should I use OEM plugs, or does anyone have any recommendations?
On another note, I saw a thread on the tex about rerouting the PCV evac to the exhaust pipe after the cat. Uses a vac for better evac. I think this will be a mod in the future, because the intake valves get rotten with carbon deposit if not. unless you have water/meth.