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MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

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  • #16
    Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

    Originally posted by turbomeyers View Post
    well we (vw techs) have been saying this for ever . The oil they have been requesting here is crap . I have been using total 9000 for my customers and my brand of anti wear additive since i opened . fully seeing the problems associated with castrol . and we have all but eliminated a lot of the premature wear issues on these engines . (after we replace the follower that castrol destroyed from the factory's service program)
    are there any other brands that you would recommend? total is not something that is common where i am


    • #17
      Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

      no dis ryan but i am not a fan of your oil. . its motul or total for me . and if i am doing a mb on warranty still i provide mobil one . it just prevents a hassle proving what oil is allowed for the power train.


      • #18
        Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

        i wonder when the roller will be avilable . it will need a shorter plunger to work thoe since the stock follower is not actually very thick .


        • #19
          Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

          phew. i'm on motul right now. good to know it's turbomeyers approved


          • #20
            Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

            From the apparent pictures on the tex for watefest, it appears the the new roller will have a keyway for alignment, and there will be a riser block to mount between the HPFP and the block, thus creating more room for the roller, and allowing a slot for the keyway to travel.


            • #21
              Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

              cool that would work yea .


              • #22
                Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

                Originally posted by Ryan View Post
                guys castrol has a new oil specially made for VW and GM (probably to address this issue) which you can ONLY get a the dealer .. its SLX

                fwiw i have 0 issues using castrol and rock the products hard consdering the brand is in my family
                Sorry Ryan Castrol has the highest level of Hydroscopic retention.
                Thats why when you take off your 710 cap it's always full of mong.
                BMW,Audi and Mercedes are having a hard time with PCV ventilation in winter because the lines block up with ice and blow out the seals.(They use Castrol AS well)
                Last edited by VWSM; 08-15-2009, 06:38 AM.


                • #23
                  Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

                  As a long time Castrol user, I have to support Ryan on this. Used Castrol Syntec on my old Saab for 20 years & 250,000 Km - no problems. Have been using the Syntec 5W40 on our 00 Jetta GLX, and the VR6 is doing just fine after 160,000 Km and uses no oil. I typically change it's oil after 16,000 Km, and regular oil tests done by Metro Tech indicate that the oil could be left in the engine and continued to be used. The oil analysis checks for numerous trace metals, silicone (dirt), glycol, fuel dilution, water and viscosity.

                  I had an oil analysis done ~ 4000 Km after putting an ITG oiled type drop-in air filter on the VR6. When the results came back, I immediately pulled it out and put the factory filter back in and changed the oil. The silicone numbers had spiked dramatically, indicating that the filter was allowing way too much dirt into the engine. The silicone values dropped back to normal with the OEM filter.

                  I would highly recommend an oil analysis for anyone who cares about their engines long term health, especially if you are running a CAI. May be the best $20 you spend on your car.

                  00 Jetta GLX
                  09 Jetta GLI


                  • #24
                    Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

                    Sweet! I'll have to use those guys instead of the other high priced place in town.. Do they supply sample bottles for testing?
                    Last edited by VAG_Tech; 09-05-2009, 09:34 AM.
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                    • #25
                      Re: MKV 2.0T BPY Cam Follower Issue

                      Never mind I answered my own question.
                      Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

                      My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
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