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Next Meet?!!

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  • Next Meet?!!

    Man, I have really just started to get really interested into my jetta and I just missed the saturday mini meet so I am kinda ticked :angry:

    But oh well. I was just wondering if anyone knows when another meet might be on in calgary cause my jetta can't really go anywhere other than in the city:(

    Mabye someone could help me with the problems I have been having. I don't know how to describe it but it is going back into Northland on monday to get them to fix it again considering it was less than a week ago that they had it in the shop and that pisses me off like MAD!!!:angry: :angry: :angry:

    But yeah so just respond if anyone knows when another meet is going to be happening and I will be there!!
    Man, VAG kick ass!!

  • #2

    Beginning of oct.
    There are only two infinites, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
    --Albert Einstein

