Well ive been thinking for awhile in getting a 6spd for my wagon. right now its an auto car, I have had nothing wrong with it and has never let me know ever! The real only reason why i am thinking about doing a swap is MOAR POWA! Anyways, question is. Should i wait till the tranny goes or just "give'r"? I know its probly going to cost a bit (lol) So another question..Should i sell it and buy a 5spd wagon? I would rather keep mine tell you the truth. love this car lots.I really havent seen any threads anywhere show/telling about auto to 6spd swaps. So if you have any info you would like to share that would be awesome.
Thanks for looking.
p.s I saw that eurojet is working on a BT kit for 1.8T. looks yummy!! chris?
Thanks for looking.
p.s I saw that eurojet is working on a BT kit for 1.8T. looks yummy!! chris?
