well Triple G's rabbit build thread got me inspired to start one of my own, since I thought it needed more of them around here anyway. so here's my g60 gti build.
a few months ago i bought a wrecked corrado. stripped it.

two weeks ago i went to princess auto and bought a lift and MIG. parked the gti in the garage and began project powerfist.

saturday morning

heres a nice pic of my junk.

washed the bay


end of day one. i also washed up the new motor first thing in the morning prior to stripping the gti.
a few months ago i bought a wrecked corrado. stripped it.

two weeks ago i went to princess auto and bought a lift and MIG. parked the gti in the garage and began project powerfist.

saturday morning

heres a nice pic of my junk.

washed the bay


end of day one. i also washed up the new motor first thing in the morning prior to stripping the gti.