I took my car into a local mechanical shop this morning to get a couple things looked at. One of them being my battery.
They tested it and it gave a low reading. He said he was surprised to see it still running.
He said that if he replaced it then my key wouldnt work and that I would need to replace that as well. All of this would be nearly $300.
Needless to say I didnt have him do it.
I can change my own battery but what I was wondering is if by changing it, would it mess anything up with my key or other electronics in the car? Other than resetting clock/stereo?
They tested it and it gave a low reading. He said he was surprised to see it still running.
He said that if he replaced it then my key wouldnt work and that I would need to replace that as well. All of this would be nearly $300.
Needless to say I didnt have him do it.
I can change my own battery but what I was wondering is if by changing it, would it mess anything up with my key or other electronics in the car? Other than resetting clock/stereo?