I have a question for all u guys i know of a 1992 16v the 2.0 and this thing seems like its wicked shape runs great most of the time looks good and clean too. anywya every once in a while the car will kinda stutter when u are driveing around just barley like its not geting gas or something. but i know of a few times when he was driveing slow like 20 30 lms in 1st oir second gear and the car just kinda died gave up and it wouldnt start for like 5 min after, like it got colged or something. and this has happend a few times where the car is going real slow or just finished driveing for a while and u sit at a light and its idelling and it wil just quit. 5 min later will start up againg???
dose any one have any idea what this could be??? please help
dose any one have any idea what this could be??? please help