Hi there ! ,
This is my first post, and I was told about this website by
some fine people over at VWvortex forums....
Anyway, here goes with my story ....
My wife bought a 2006 Jetta this past October, and last week she was talking to a guy at a local garage that services VWs. She asked him if there was a special way to start her Jetta in very cold weather, and he said there really was NO trick to it.
As I am the one starting her car every morning for her, I am pretty familiar with how the car has fared in the last 2 weeks of extremely cold Canadian weather that is upon us.
This morning it was -24.5 degrees on the Jetta's LCD panel, and I found the car very very hard to start. The only way I could get it going was to keep the key turned, and finally after perhaps 20 seconds, the car finally caught on, and started .... over the first 10 seconds or so, the turning of the engine was very slow, but it started turning faster and faster while I had the key turned.
It's rather scary doing this though, but it seems the car will just not start any other way.
Pressing the gas brings up a little OIL CAN icon, and this seems to make the situation worse, so I have stopped touching the gas at all while I am turning the key. ---- is this correct proceedure ?
Also, we asked our dealer about a block heater, and the price is $352, and the dealer said it was not worth the money, however I wonder if it is, as the cold weather really seems to take a toll on the Jetta.
Thank you for any help, insight, etc.
Thanks everyone in advance !
This is my first post, and I was told about this website by
some fine people over at VWvortex forums....
Anyway, here goes with my story ....
My wife bought a 2006 Jetta this past October, and last week she was talking to a guy at a local garage that services VWs. She asked him if there was a special way to start her Jetta in very cold weather, and he said there really was NO trick to it.
As I am the one starting her car every morning for her, I am pretty familiar with how the car has fared in the last 2 weeks of extremely cold Canadian weather that is upon us.
This morning it was -24.5 degrees on the Jetta's LCD panel, and I found the car very very hard to start. The only way I could get it going was to keep the key turned, and finally after perhaps 20 seconds, the car finally caught on, and started .... over the first 10 seconds or so, the turning of the engine was very slow, but it started turning faster and faster while I had the key turned.
It's rather scary doing this though, but it seems the car will just not start any other way.
Pressing the gas brings up a little OIL CAN icon, and this seems to make the situation worse, so I have stopped touching the gas at all while I am turning the key. ---- is this correct proceedure ?
Also, we asked our dealer about a block heater, and the price is $352, and the dealer said it was not worth the money, however I wonder if it is, as the cold weather really seems to take a toll on the Jetta.
Thank you for any help, insight, etc.
Thanks everyone in advance !
