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New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

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  • #16
    Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

    Here's some evidence that Laser TV's may not be worth waiting for:
    Porsche 991 Carrera S


    • #17
      Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

      Also, if you are an xbox360 owner, note that Microsoft announced 1080p output this past weekend I think? With their next Dashboard software update? I don't really follow the xbox scene, but 1080p on a good LCD looks amazing if this is true.
      Porsche 991 Carrera S


      • #18
        Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

        Originally posted by Duby T
        I hear Samsung is the best for plasma and LCD technology. Apparently, they have won best manufacturer for the last 4 years in a row.

        Im picking up a Samsung 40" widescreen LCD for $1900 this week. I've done my research and it is by far the best tv in that price range.

        I've heard that Pioneer + Panasoinc are the brands to go with for Plasma's..not too sure on LCDs

        Anyways, ive had TERRIBLE luck with samsung TV's
        REAL men use harsh language as self-defense


        • #19
          Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

          Sharp's are really good LCD's.
          Pioneer and Panasonic are definitely wicked Plasma's.
          Got 5?


          • #20
            Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

            It honestly depends more on the model than the brand I think - for LCD TV's for example, companies outsource the production of the panels (or buy them in bulk) from different companies. One brand might use two different panels for their high or lower end TV's... the panel really defines the quality of the display.
            Porsche 991 Carrera S


            • #21
              Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

              A couple things:

              Plasma: Panasonic / Pioneer Elite / Hitachi are considered the top tier brands

              LCD: Sharp / Sony / Panasonic / Toshiba / Samsung are considered the top tier suppliers.

              There are of course a ton of other suppliers that do a reasonable job. Sony and Samsung are co-owners of an LCD manufacturing plant. Both Sony and Samsung use the exact same LCD panel in their TV's. Of course the panel is only part of the TV. The video processing is by far is a more important aspect of how the TV will ultimately look in your home.

              I would also be carefull comparing specs that you see on most suppliers' spec sheets. The most common spec people look at is contrast ratio. Contrast ratio is the difference in brightness between the brightest white and darkest black displayable on the panel. Most suppliers list an unfair number for this spec as they measure black when the screen is only displaying black and then measure white when the screen is only displaying white. They then measure the difference and post this number as their "contrast ratio" This, of course, is a crock. Who ever watches their TV with only one colour being displayed at one time? The true measurement is when the screen has black and white displayed simultaneously and the measurement is taken that way (dynamic contrast ratio).

              Another contentious point between plasma and LCD is that plasma will "burn in images". Very true, however, read the article from the following link (page four, image retention).

              The bottom line is you are going to buy the panel that you are comfortable with and can afford at the time. There is a lot of misinformation about LCD and Plasma technology out there. Make sure you are doing your homework BEFORE making a buying decision.

              One last comment...If you buy a LG video product, pray that it never breaks down. Korean manufactures are notorious for not having parts to fix their busted ass products.
              2006 Jetta TDI

              "If you think you don't like change, you will like obsolesence even less."


              • #22
                Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

                Originally posted by Kor
                Here's some evidence that Laser TV's may not be worth waiting for:

                i wouldnt classify that as hard evidence when the first sentence uses the word "shiznit". not very convincing journalism.


                • #23
                  Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

                  I just spent months researching flat panel televisions, and finally decided on a 50" Panasonic plasma. I'm very happy with the results!

                  My understanding of things pretty well coincides with what Smarty39 says in terms of the benefits between LCD or plasma. I wanted a 50", so my options in LCD were pretty limited. I also agree with James that Panasonic and Pioneer are the best quality plasmas out right now.

                  Definitely don't wait for a laser TV. It's all vaporware right now.

                  and also... Engadget is, without a doubt, one of the best resources for consumer electronics on the net, regardless of whether they use the word "shiznit" or not.
                  2013 Audi RS 5


                  • #24
                    Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

                    I agree, engadget is one of the largest, best connected, most responsible electronics-merchandise news sites on the internet. If you have a problem with their choice of words, that might mean you're simply not their target audience. It does not make their journalism poor.

                    If you are designing a darker, home-theater type space... I know a few people who have actual Projectors and let me tell you, its phenomenal. And pretty affordable now. You don't even need a screen... you do need a large, white wall. Watching a 12' wide movie is way, way better than a 50" wide movie!!!!
                    Last edited by Kor; 10-31-2006, 02:08 PM.
                    Porsche 991 Carrera S


                    • #25
                      Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

                      Another story:

                      Porsche 991 Carrera S


                      • #26
                        Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

                        Had a cheap plasma.. couldnt believe how bad it looked so I took it back and got a Panasonic Plasma about a year a go with absolutely no problems or complaints
                        EU Tuning
                        European Performance Products


                        • #27
                          Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

                          i didnt say the journalism was poor... just not convincing to outside audiences. i have never heard of this site and i'm sure it is informative. however i found the article to have mostly opinions and speculation instead of having alot of "evidence".
                          either way who am i to say, really. i dont know shiz.


                          • #28
                            Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

                            I think what the article attempts to show is that there is no "evidence" saying that Laser TV's are even under development... in fact it is proposing that Laser TV's are mostly vapourware/hype. I think the onus is on the production companies to provide the evidence that a product is real - how does one gather proof of something not existing?

                            Obviously, from this thread, a large number of people thought Laser TV's were on the way. Yet no "evidence" was given to back up that claim at all when recommending that the original poster not buy an LCD/Plasma.

                            Moreover, the Engadget article - if you read it - is merely a summary of a story done by the Sydney Morning Herald. In this summary, they mention that Fujitsu, Pioneer, Samsung and Philips were directly contacted and questioned. This would seem to be direct evidence?
                            Last edited by Kor; 10-31-2006, 03:26 PM.
                            Porsche 991 Carrera S


                            • #29
                              Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

                              actually... i think YOU SIR are forgetting one small thing. I merely skimmed through the article and then decided to play devil's advocate! (ah who am i kidding.. i decided to be an a-hole)

                              i just really couldnt get past the "shiznit" thing. maybe i'm old. i dont know.


                              • #30
                                Re: New TV - Plasma/LCD, etc...

                                yea kris.. 1080p with the fall update on the 360.. still debating a 360 or an exhaust system lol

