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All your Counter-Strike fans...

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  • #16
    It was me, and I said so! You weren't listening

    Sorry to say that your server was kind of lame though man 1 on 1 counterstrike is kind of tiring after a few mins. And whats up with that map?
    Porsche 991 Carrera S


    • #17
      It's a 14 player dedicated Linux server, not my fault it's empty (too many CS servers out there). And iceworld is one of the more popular maps. You want real fun, try going back to Quake 2 for a night.

      Fear is the element that unites all losers.


      • #18
        I like the old school maps... Dust, Aztec, etc... and yeah you need more players.

        Lots of people will join if you make it secure against cheating... I only like to play on Cheatind Death servers... should install Cheating Death 3.2.0 and also put "CD req" in the server name. It'll fill up.
        Porsche 991 Carrera S


        • #19
          Originally posted by Kor
          I like the old school maps... Dust, Aztec, etc... and yeah you need more players.

          Lots of people will join if you make it secure against cheating... I only like to play on Cheatind Death servers... should install Cheating Death 3.2.0 and also put "CD req" in the server name. It'll fill up.
          Ever since the CD players were nailed by VAC, I don't trust CD one bit. VAC updates are common enough that most cheaters get kicked with a ban pretty quick. And I can beat most non-OGC hacks easy.

          When it was TFC, my little server was one of the top servers in West Can - then I lost interest and went to CS.

          Fear is the element that unites all losers.


          • #20
            Trust me, VAC doesn't protect you as well as CD... in fact there are cheats out for VAC the same day they update it. Cheating Death is much harder to fool. Lots of people use little hacks like glow-in-the-dark models that give them an unfair edge. Anyhow, this is also why I generally just play with people I trust.
            Porsche 991 Carrera S

