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new airport security

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  • new airport security

    Damn the new airport security thing is getting out of hand. I just dropped off my uncle at the airport and man the security is really tight. You cant even take hair gel with you.
    I seriously dont understand what the terrorists are trying to prove. When will this garbage stop?????

  • #2
    Re: new airport security

    never.. i think honestly the latest terrorist stuff is BS made up to scare people and to get minds off the middle east.. they haven't shown photos of the people arrested.. its just hearsay so far..

    ps.. i hate the world of today..


    • #3
      Re: new airport security

      Ryan - I'm thinking the same thing, dude.
      2008 Audi RS4
      2015 Fiat 500 Abarth


      • #4
        Re: new airport security

        Airport security has always been ********. Some pro martial arts guy can kill people more effectively than you can with a butter knife, yet the butter knife is banned. Plastic guns, cell phone guns that shoot 3 rounds, plastique - it's always been pretty much undetectable.

        But since I hate checking baggage (cause it takes forever, and they often lose it) I travel with everything in my carry on bag. Now I'm screwed. And not being allowed to bring water etc? It's knee-jerk obsessive safety that is going to drive several airlines into bankrupcy.

        Fear is the element that unites all losers.


        • #5
          Re: new airport security

          ya, next step is no carry ons at all (except for like, mothers with babies i would hope). Geoff is totally right, a guy with a martial arts background is a much bigger threat that some other dudes can of shaving cream.

          Traveling is gonna suck a whole lot more without being able to have your ipod or laptop or personal dvd player with you, thats for damn sure
          REAL men use harsh language as self-defense


          • #6
            Re: new airport security

            well shiz i'm flying to TO in a week and a half so i better not be hassled. oh wait my ipod is mae of plastiq and i'm gonna blow the plane up.. or better yet.. the laces on my shoes are snakes! snakes on a plane kid.. sigh


            • #7
              Re: new airport security

              Originally posted by Ryan
              well shiz i'm flying to TO in a week and a half so i better not be hassled. oh wait my ipod is mae of plastiq and i'm gonna blow the plane up.. or better yet.. the laces on my shoes are snakes! snakes on a plane kid.. sigh
              Haha, snakes on a plane. Samuel L was on letterman last night promoting that movie, sooooo stupid.

              Dave had some funny jokes about it though, including a "Coca Cola Solid", it came in a box like a bar of soap. He commended them for being so quick on their feet in light of the situation


              • #8
                Re: new airport security

                ya when i was at the airport on sunday i seen people throwing handcream out, toothpaste, all sorts of stuff. but its still in the airport garbage, so something could still happen if any of it was really a terrorist weapon haha.


                • #9
                  Re: new airport security

                  air canada offers a discount (i think it was 10 bucks one way) if you dont check baggage. i wonder how that works now. i'm only going to van for the labour day weekend so i figured what the heck, i'll save myself 20 bucks. i bet they charge me that at the gate cause i'll have to check it now!
                  you probably don't like me because someone else said they didn't lol. <3


                  • #10
                    Re: new airport security

                    Yeah, the whole thing's retarded. The terrorists are getting exactly what they want and it didn't even require blowing up the planes. They are still creating "terror".

                    It just seems so asinine to try and cover every contingency by tightening up security more and more. What happens when a terrorist puts explosive disguised as baby poo in a baby's diaper and blows everyone up with that? No more babies allowed on board? (actually, maybe that would be a good thing... )

                    What the government should really be doing is focusing their efforts and budget on human engineering and invent some of those Minority Report psychics. Sit those bunch down in the security screening and they can just point out who is a terrorist and who is a regular person. Easy.
                    2008 Audi RS4
                    2015 Fiat 500 Abarth


                    • #11
                      Re: new airport security

                      Or they could use the customs technique of just asking.

                      "Are you a terrorist?"

                      If they really are a terrorist, they'll be caught off guard and say yeah before they realize that they've been tricked.


                      • #12
                        Re: new airport security

                        Originally posted by Chris
                        What happens when a terrorist puts explosive disguised as baby poo in a baby's diaper and blows everyone up with that? No more babies allowed on board? (actually, maybe that would be a good thing... )
                        So are you saying my parents shouldn't be able to visit their granddaughter because babies shouldn't be aloud on planes? Now that is assinane, one day when you have kids you will understand.
                        Name: Brent
                        His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
                        Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
                        Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.


                        • #13
                          Re: new airport security

                          he was joking brent.. but its getting retarded.. the world is seriously going to hell fast! cost of living going through the roof.. everyone trying to blow each other up.. sigh..


                          • #14
                            Re: new airport security

                            Originally posted by Stonewall
                            So are you saying my parents shouldn't be able to visit their granddaughter because babies shouldn't be aloud on planes? Now that is assinane, one day when you have kids you will understand.
                            Just so long as they aren't wailing loudly during the flight. Or have a bomb in their diapers. :P
                            2008 Audi RS4
                            2015 Fiat 500 Abarth


                            • #15
                              Re: new airport security

                              Well you could also have the Grandparents fly here and keep the baby off the plane that way

                              Anyway yes this is a bit odd and I have an upcoming weekend trip to Seattle and now I can't go carry on only, hmmmmmmmm.

                              Hey terrorists, terrorize this.....

                              Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........

