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Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

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  • Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

    I think I'm headed for Edmonton tomorrow morning. We're staying at the Fantasyland hotel. When I was there a couple weeks ago, I vaguely remember seeing traffic signs stating that the Yellowhead was underconstruction? Is this true? Is it going to be a huge PITA to get to 170th via the Yellowhead?


  • #2
    Re: Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

    Yes there is construciton on the Yellowhead, although most of it is on the east side of the city between Victoria Trail and 50th st. Its not too bad as they do most of the actual construction at night, so it only really gets backed up at night when its one lane in either direction in the construstion zone.
    Mike - 2011 A4 S-Line


    • #3
      Re: Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

      There is also construction on Yellowhead on the west side of the city. They closed one lane in each direction right before the 170th street entrance.

      During rush hour it's an awful delay, but if you're traveling that way during Saturday afternoon it shouldn't be too bad.

      And slow down in those construction zones, there's always cops near by.
      Matt - A3


      • #4
        Re: Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

        Thanks guys. I might just bypass it all and head south to the whitemud before entering the city


        • #5
          Re: Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

          haha okay heres a hard one

          i'm going to mondays hockey game how do i get to the colesium from #2?? haha thanks


          • #6
            Re: Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

            Follow the Riot
            2020 Toyota Corolla Hatch (At least its a Manual!)
            2001 Audi S4 (Trunk still smells like Ryan?)
            2001 Audi A4 - RIP
            2004 Mygale SJ04 - Racecar
            2013 Toyota Sienna - Baby Transporter
            2001.5 Audi S4 -SOLD
            1986 Reynard SF86 -SOLD
            2003 Jetta GLI - Garbage bin


            • #7
              Re: Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

              Originally posted by Ryan
              haha okay heres a hard one

              i'm going to mondays hockey game how do i get to the colesium from #2?? haha thanks

              Follow the road (#2 / calgary trail north?) till you hit Whyte Ave, take a right till you get to 75th St/Wayne Gretzky Dr, and that road will lead you straight to Rexall.

              ...I think.
              Last edited by N'Syncro; 06-09-2006, 04:09 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

                Haven't seen any of you Edmonton peeps around yo. I've been here for 2 weeks now....1 more week left. I'm taking a spring class at the U of A (3 week long class.).

                Big ups goes out to you guys who rock big wheels+drop+kit in Edmonton. Roads are NUTS! I'm rolling 15's while I'm here so luckily no worry about the wheels but every other road has got the big hump in the middle = scary.

                Ryan: To get to Rexall Place: Get onto Wayne Gretzky and just drive on it for a while haha. You'll go over the river, then the Rexall place isht will be on your left hand side.

                I have to take Whyte Avenue to 75 every see a lot of weird **** after a late night study session haha. Game nights screw up my route too.


                • #9
                  Re: Edmonton crew: Is there construction on the Yellowhead?

                  Ryan: My advice on a nice, easy route to Rexall would be travel down #2 (Calgary Trail North / Gateway Blvd. (it's all one road)). Then jump onto Whitemud East (so take a right) and travel down Whitemud and get off at 75st Street. Take 75th street North, that'll be a nice long road that changes into Wayne Gretzky Drive and lets you drive right by Rexall.
                  Matt - A3

