So, for the photography buffs, I need an opinion. I've already formed my own, and I know there was already a thread similar to this, so mods if you want to join them feel free...My question is, what is everyone's opinion of the Nikon D50 (ignore the lens it comes with, its soso, plus I have 2 others..)?? Nikon and Canon have been coming out with these affordable dSLR's, and I'm now ready to buy one. My father has the D70, so I'm familiar, and very happy with the results his has had; I suppose you could say I'm a little partial towards Nikon. That is also the reason I don't want a D70, because I have access to it whenever, I want something smaller (plus we can swap lenses, more cost effective!!) The 2 that come to mind are the new Canon Rebel XT and this D50 (D70s is too much $$$)...
I've gone to Steve's Digicam site, and viewed thoroughly the reviews on these two camera's, and I am more impressed with the D50's sample shots, and quality. But I cannot discredit Canon's history and the brand loyalty by their users. I want your opinions now, I'm leaning (and almost bought tonite) a D50, but I'm sleeping on it to see whats up tommorrow!
I've gone to Steve's Digicam site, and viewed thoroughly the reviews on these two camera's, and I am more impressed with the D50's sample shots, and quality. But I cannot discredit Canon's history and the brand loyalty by their users. I want your opinions now, I'm leaning (and almost bought tonite) a D50, but I'm sleeping on it to see whats up tommorrow!