Well yesterday, I'm driving home, go under a bridge and get some snow on my windshield, I go to flip on my windshield wipers and boom, guess what, they're not there, someone ripped em off. So today I go to the school PO and he says tonight they'll check the cameras.
Someone stole my wiper blades, I mean who the hell steals wiper blades, do they get kicks outta that, new ones cost me 25 bucks, not too bad but still a PITA.
:mrfinger: :mrfinger: :mrfinger: To people who do dumb things like that,
Someone stole my wiper blades, I mean who the hell steals wiper blades, do they get kicks outta that, new ones cost me 25 bucks, not too bad but still a PITA.
:mrfinger: :mrfinger: :mrfinger: To people who do dumb things like that,