Well I have had my car for getting near 2 weeks and I have made some observations about the little car and thought I would share them with you all!
-Do not get a Smart if you dont like getting attention. People come to talk to you all the time, driving, parked, at the gas station, everywhere and some even have a clue!
-Girls think your car is very cute!
-People in SUVs will laugh at you and they still cannot park next to you even when you give them half of your space to use
-You can actually still fill up a car for under $20s
-$3 does give you a good car wash
-You have a lot more room in your garage with a Smart
-40hp can feel quick
-You can fit 2 duffle bags and 5 grocerey bags in the back easily
-You can stall a Smart even with no clutch pedal
-And did I mention girls think your car is super cute
Well so far I really enjoy the little car and I am sure it will only get a better!
-Do not get a Smart if you dont like getting attention. People come to talk to you all the time, driving, parked, at the gas station, everywhere and some even have a clue!
-Girls think your car is very cute!
-People in SUVs will laugh at you and they still cannot park next to you even when you give them half of your space to use
-You can actually still fill up a car for under $20s
-$3 does give you a good car wash
-You have a lot more room in your garage with a Smart
-40hp can feel quick
-You can fit 2 duffle bags and 5 grocerey bags in the back easily
-You can stall a Smart even with no clutch pedal
-And did I mention girls think your car is super cute

Well so far I really enjoy the little car and I am sure it will only get a better!