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Smart car whereabouts??

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  • #46
    Re: Smart car whereabouts??

    its going to be the longest weekend EVER waiting for Monday.


    • #47
      Re: Smart car whereabouts??

      Originally posted by Canadian Turbo
      Well got woken up with the call this morning!! 3:30pm on monday I am taking delivery of my Smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Name: Brent
      His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
      Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
      Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.


      • #48
        Re: Smart car whereabouts??

        *singing* The waaaaiting is the haaardest parrt */singing*
        Last edited by Davetronz; 07-24-2005, 12:04 AM.


        • #49
          Re: Smart car whereabouts??

          finafreakingly blair.. i hope you get some free swag still and a tank 'o diesel with the car


          • #50
            Re: Smart car whereabouts??

            Well it is a little hard to concentrate on work so far as I am pretty excited to drive it off the lot

            To demonstrate the saftey there was a Smart T-boned on the highway by an SUV in the Medicine Hat area at about 120-160km/h recently and the driver suffered some injuries but the Smart did very well all things considering.
            Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


            • #51
              Re: Smart car whereabouts??

              Originally posted by NeonGTI
              Just push the quad out of his wheelchair and he won't be going anywhere fast!
              Tasteless, yet hilarious!

              EDIT: thats awesome that your finally getting your car!
              Last edited by Mr. Burns; 07-25-2005, 08:51 AM.

              2010 Audi A4 S-Line
              2007 VW GTI 2.0T

              2003 VW Jetta GLI
              1992 VW Jetta GL
              1984 VW Rabbit GTI


              • #52
                Re: Smart car whereabouts??

                Originally posted by Canadian Turbo
                To demonstrate the saftey there was a Smart T-boned on the highway by an SUV in the Medicine Hat area at about 120-160km/h recently and the driver suffered some injuries but the Smart did very well all things considering.
                Wouldn't mind seeing that, cause I saw a staged vid of a Jeep T-boning an Accord at 55 mph and it was almost torn in half. They are safer than a lot of cars though.

                Fear is the element that unites all losers.


                • #53
                  Re: Smart car whereabouts??

                  Here are a couple pics, the other vehicle left the road on the drivers side and then attempted to return to the highway but overcorrected and headed straight into the side of the Smart pushing it and then causing it to roll 1.5 times. The RCMP estimate the impact to be between 120-160km/h as the driver appears to have been intoxicated at 8am. From what I have read the Smart seems to have survived very well but we are trying to find some pics of the Kia Sorrento to see how it faired.

                  The driver is at home recovering and plans to get another Smart as soon as he can.
                  Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                  • #54
                    Re: Smart car whereabouts??

                    Well I drove my new Smart home last night, after driving it around town for a few hours and damn this car is a blast!!! So much fun, lots of space and comforts, options and the power is not bad at all!! I am very happy with it thus far!!
                    Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                    • #55
                      Re: Smart car whereabouts??

                      congrats blair!! lets the modding start!


                      • #56
                        Re: Smart car whereabouts??

                        God.....FINALLY! Just kidding Blair, congrats!
                        2000 Audi S4


                        • #57
                          Re: Smart car whereabouts??

                          Well I hope to get some mods going soon, will just have to see how a few plans work out

                          Anyway here is a pic of the other car involved in the accident with the Smart. The doors and tailgate are also still functioning on the Smart!

                          Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                          • #58
                            Re: Smart car whereabouts??

                            Awesome Blair! Lets get some pics up!!

                            2010 Audi A4 S-Line
                            2007 VW GTI 2.0T

                            2003 VW Jetta GLI
                            1992 VW Jetta GL
                            1984 VW Rabbit GTI


                            • #59
                              Re: Smart car whereabouts??

                              Originally posted by Mr. Burns
                              Awesome Blair! Lets get some pics up!!
                              Porsche 991 Carrera S


                              • #60
                                Re: Smart car whereabouts??

                                Fuel Cost

                                Distance travelled
                                400 km
                                248.56 miles

                                Fuel Amount
                                17.49 litres
                                4.62 US gallons
                                3.85 Imperial gallons
                                Cost of Fuel
                                $0.86 per litre
                                $3.25 per US gallon
                                $3.9 per Imperial gallon

                                Fuel Economy
                                4.37 litres per 100 km
                                53.79 miles per US gallon
                                64.61 miles per Imperial gallon

                                Mileage Costs
                                3.75 ¢ents per km
                                6.03 ¢ents per mile

                                Well I had my first fill over the weekend and man this car is cheap to run!! My first tank is under the government values as well and supposedly things will only get better and better as the car breaks in!!

                                Oh yeah I have also washed my car twice and spent $3.00
                                Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........

