Hey All,
We staying in Canmore last night after driving from Vernon, BC at Rocky Mountain lodge what a nice place to stay i was impressed.
I'm in Leduc staying at a hotel until we can get into our place on May 18th in Beaumont. We drove through Calgary because I missed the turn off for Cochrane oops.
We arrived in LE DUCK as my Hubby calls it at 1:30pm with two ROCK CHIPS on windshield which I need to get repaired ASAP WHY? Well they BUG ME!
cordialtea - Zipping around in a 2003 GLS Golf indigio Blue.
We staying in Canmore last night after driving from Vernon, BC at Rocky Mountain lodge what a nice place to stay i was impressed.

I'm in Leduc staying at a hotel until we can get into our place on May 18th in Beaumont. We drove through Calgary because I missed the turn off for Cochrane oops.

We arrived in LE DUCK as my Hubby calls it at 1:30pm with two ROCK CHIPS on windshield which I need to get repaired ASAP WHY? Well they BUG ME!

cordialtea - Zipping around in a 2003 GLS Golf indigio Blue.
