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Antivirus software

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  • Antivirus software

    I have a question for all the computer geniuses.

    Where is the best (cheapest) place to get antivirus s/w. I've checked Tigerdirect but they don't have any Norton programs. Futureshop wants 70 bucks and I don't have that kind of cash right now. I had to reload my wifes laptop because it was basically unrepairable, but now I need new software (the one that was on there was expired and wouldn't let me update it anymore.

    I don't need anything fancy and I don't mind paying for it, especially since I was told that they are really hard to pirate anyway I just can't afford $70 right now.


  • #2
    Re: Antivirus software

    Memory Exress has OEM Macafee Virus 2004 for 9.95 if that will work.

    I personally use Trendmico PCcillin & really like it. I think it was about 45.00 US but worth it for me.

    Andrew - This bugs for you

    “A man who says he does not let the little things bother him has never spent a night in a tent with a single mosquito” - Unknown


    • #3
      Re: Antivirus software

      Yea I'm not sure why I forgot about Memory express, I may buy that for the time being. I can also get f-prot for a decent price to. I heard Mcafee is really slow, but it's cheap. Thanks.



      • #4
        Re: Antivirus software

        Corporate-wise, I'd steer clear of McAfee, Im a system admin. at work and we are a Mcafee shop and they are garbage IMO (and I implemented it to 2500 devices so I sorta know what Im talking about). Norton has much better AV solutions than McAfee's ePolicy Orchestrator.

        If its for home use, have you looked into AVG? It's free and works pretty damn good. If your a unix guy and have a few machines to protect at home setting up a sophos gateway is not hard and very effective.

        edit: Just re-read your post and if you're working on a budget, shoot me a PM and I can hook you up with norton or mcafee corporate ed's for the significantly reduced price of $0 - Im sure a couple of us on here have it kickin around
        Last edited by James; 12-14-2004, 01:12 PM.
        REAL men use harsh language as self-defense


        • #5
          Re: Antivirus software

          I agree on the AVG. For home use, it is very good and free. The site is


          • #6
            Re: Antivirus software

            Originally posted by thorin33
            I agree on the AVG. For home use, it is very good and free. The site is
            plus they have frequent and free updates.
            2002 Jetta 1.8T, Black


            • #7
              Re: Antivirus software

              Really....well then, I just picked it up over lunch but haven't opened it yet so I could still take it back, maybe I'll look into the free one first though. Thanks everyone for the help.



              • #8
                Re: Antivirus software

                Here's my post from awhile back on beyond:

                Norton 2003 is good, 2004 is buggy and bloated.

                I've been using EZ Armor by computer associates for the past few months - no infections so far. Some guys on here have bought it for 50 bucks but you can get it free on the web with 1 year subscription. Comes with both scanner and a custom zone alarm.

                You need to register and give a valid email address. I have not been spammed by them and they have daily automatic virus updates. It is free, with 1 year subscription.

                Computer Associates is huge - I assume they are offering their stuff for free to get the name out as a 3rd option to symantec and macafee. I know I will stick with them once the year is up.


                Fear is the element that unites all losers.

