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Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

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  • #61
    Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

    There are some disiels in the club (Bart?) who will slaughter my 1.8T....

    As well, I've driven my brothers SRT-4 on numerous occassions and it is damn fast. And with a G into it, he's pulling about 260 whp and 13.5 second time slips...

    It's tempting to ditch my Jetta for an SRT-4... But I also agree with two words: heated leather.

    Edit: As long as my heated leather doesn't catch fire...
    -- Mark --
    I want my VW to be fast.
    2001 Blue Lagoon Jetta GLS 1.8T
    Terrorists suck!


    • #62
      Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

      Originally posted by Electrofuzz
      There are some disiels in the club (Bart?) who will slaughter my 1.8T....

      As well, I've driven my brothers SRT-4 on numerous occassions and it is damn fast. And with a G into it, he's pulling about 260 whp and 13.5 second time slips...

      It's tempting to ditch my Jetta for an SRT-4... But I also agree with two words: heated leather.

      Edit: As long as my heated leather doesn't catch fire...

      bull, barts car is f'n slow. and if you want heated leather seats, pay an extra $500 for them to be installed in the srt4


      • #63
        Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

        Originally posted by Simon
        bull, barts car is f'n slow. and if you want heated leather seats, pay an extra $500 for them to be installed in the srt4
        Simon, you haven't seen Barts car with his Injectors, I would bet it can take a stock 1.8T anytime.
        Porsche 991 Carrera S


        • #64
          Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

          Originally posted by Kor
          Simon, you haven't seen Barts car with his Injectors, I would bet it can take a stock 1.8T anytime.
          yah but he's polish so it doesnt matter


          • #65
            Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

            Originally posted by Simon
            yah but he's polish so it doesnt matter
            That may be but now he is polishing a lot of speed
            Name: Brent
            His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
            Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
            Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.


            • #66
              Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

              Barts car isnt fuggin' slow... He'd destroy me.. he was gettin' close to Chad after the last meet... well, not close, but Chad didnt leave him clear in the dark.... Bart was right there...

              As far as dealer says in town, no heated seats in SRT-4s....
              -- Mark --
              I want my VW to be fast.
              2001 Blue Lagoon Jetta GLS 1.8T
              Terrorists suck!


              • #67
                Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

                Originally posted by Electrofuzz
                Barts car isnt fuggin' slow... He'd destroy me.. he was gettin' close to Chad after the last meet... well, not close, but Chad didnt leave him clear in the dark.... Bart was right there...

                As far as dealer says in town, no heated seats in SRT-4s....
                In winnipeg here where I'm currently, the dealer uses an aftermarket upholster/installer to install heated seats in any cars they sell for an additional $500 per 2 seats. It's an option when you buy the car!


                • #68
                  Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

                  Originally posted by j'aime ta femme
                  Im just saying that the diesel cant rival the speeds of the srt.

                  Nope, it can't. A TDi is not as fast nor as powerful as a SRT-4. My little smokepot diesel dosen't have those kinda legs under it. Even with all the mods I've done on mine, it STILL runs out of wind around 210km/h and I'm reading 950-1000'F on the EGT. But it does get there pretty damn quick. The reciprocating mass of a diesel is the main limiting factor. Never mind that a Golf body is also about as aerodymanic as a brick, so that dosen't help either. But I ask you, Could a SRT-4 get 40 mpg hauling THIS?

                  I do. Every Spring Summer and Fall. That's the true power of a diesel. Big, fat torque curves out of engines that love to haul everything, including their own way.

                  For those sunny Summer days days I wanna go fast, I drive THIS:

                  In this car at 200kph, I shift from 4th to 5th, and continue on....
                  This car was bred to go fast, handle like it's on rails, and it's also the one I'm most passionate about. Which is why I don't lose too much sleep worrying too how fast my little TDi is or how much HP it's got. The modification of my Golf has been about having fun, spending a few bucks and seeing how much I could get out of it. But will it ever be capable of beating an SRT-4 on the street? Nope. But I do derive great satisfaction knowing that I'm paying 15-20 cents a litre less for fuel, and going farther on it. Hence my signature.
                  Last edited by Z32Nut; 11-03-2004, 10:38 PM.
                  TDi performance. Have your performance cake and eat it too


                  • #69
                    Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.


                    I'm toasteroven. I am an SRT-4 owner.

                    A PROUD SRT-4 owner.

                    This thread was posted over at SRT Forums, and I decided to come over and take a peek.

                    For the most part, I was amused by the seemingly aggressiveness of your guys' attack on our beloved little Neon. Lots of misinformation and hating sprinked in, so I thought I'd give up a few minutes of my worthless time (knowing full well I'll probably want it back afterwards ) and come up with some responses to some of your comments.

                    Prepare to be pissed or amused... you decide .

                    Originally posted by Kor
                    I finally found someone driving a SRT4 who wasn't an old grandma, and had the opportunity to see how it stacks up to my Jetta in the performance department.
                    Well sheesh - try looking in places other than the Bingo Casino parking lot.

                    Originally posted by liquid
                    SRT4's are quick cars. Really quick. Yet, with all that said.... it's still a neon IMO.
                    GTI = Still just a Golf. A $30,000+ Golf. Can you imagine a Civic SiR that's $30,000+? No, I can't either. Would you like some jam with your sticker shock?

                    Originally posted by gaffer
                    Anyway, it kinda sucks that there are so many off the lot compacts that can beat up on us VW guys. Andrew
                    Someone who shares the mentality I had when I had an '02 Civic Si. Hence, why I got rid of said Civic.

                    Originally posted by Ryan
                    right now the only factory rocket car out that i like and would buy is the 350z i love those cars
                    If you belive the 350z = GODNESS, then I have this little bridge in Brooklyn just in your price range...

                    For laughs, look up what Top Gear thought of the 350z. Hilarity x10.

                    Originally posted by Khyron
                    RX8 is the only car (realistic) that I'd trade up to.
                    Yeah, if only all cars came with a rebate for misleading customers. Would you like some torque with that?

                    Originally posted by S_R_I_E
                    40% Written off the first production year. Its the cheap to power ratio I think.
                    Boy... I wish I could pull useless statistics out of my ass like that. You must be working off the "Shock and Awe" premise - "Maybe if I make up enough BS, the faster car will just go away!" You know, 75% of GTI owners are closet homosexuals. <-- Oh wow! It is easy to make stuff up!

                    Originally posted by Klobi-One-Kinobi
                    It'll be interesting to see how Dodge's 2.4t does for long term durability.Aside from the cheap feeling interior and neon "heritage", srt-4's are kinda appealing.
                    You're absolutely right. Regardless of the fact the 2.4 has been in production for several years in both the PT and Mexico-based DCX cars, it might blow up any minute now. And regardless of the fact it's a turbo block from the ground up, I guess it just won't hold up.

                    Then again, I guess the several hundred people running mods are just the lucky ones. And I suppose that the 350-450HP SRTs got stout blocks just by the luck of the draw. Then again, I suppose a motor than can't take more than twice it's stock HP (560+HP) before blowing up is completely useless. Thanks for showing me the light.

                    Originally posted by bart
                    ya, ahahah ummm no.
                    You're in denial... denial I tell you!

                    Originally posted by Electrofuzz
                    But we still have more sex appeal.
                    Considering that women make up 60% of the target demographic for the entire VW line, I guess you could call it sex appeal. Holy cow! I CAN make up stats out of my ass! w00t!

                    Originally posted by NeonGTI
                    Here is the other downside to chasing the SRT. You may drop 5k in to your VW and keep up with the SRT, but all the SRT has to do is put 1k in to a stage 2 and you are way behind. The SRT does have the advantage of lower weight, .6l more displacement and a more FWD friendly weight balance.
                    Ding ding ding! What do we have for him Johhny?!

                    Originally posted by NeonGTI
                    The SRT is in an entirely different class of car than the VW. I see the SRT being more in-line with Camaros, Mustangs, WRX, etc. They are all cars with a lot of brute force, but not a lot of refinement or bling. Bling = weight and refinement = softer tuning.
                    SRT-4= WRX / SVT Focus / Mazdaspeed Protege... etc
                    VW = Civic Si / Impreza / Neon / Corolla XRS... etc

                    Originally posted by NeonGTI
                    If you wanna better your straight line against an SRT install some coil-overs and crank the rear end up to the top and drop the front an inch. It will look stupid and drive like crap, but you will hook up like a monster. But then you will have reduced your refinement.
                    Well said. The VW goes for glitz and glamour - the SRT-4 is a solid foundation to build a fast car on.

                    Originally posted by Electrofuzz
                    I drove the SRT-4 the other day and realized how much of a piece of crap it really was. Like I said, Dodge totally cheaped the interior...
                    If you want muscle and power, buy a Porsche :P Then you have refinement and real power.
                    I drove a GTI the last time I was in Kelowna, and realized how much of an overpriced piece of junk it is. For almost the same price I can get into a V6 Accord Coupe! $33,550CAN GTI with lux package, vs $35,400 for a V6 MT Accord! Then I get refinement and HONDA quality! Because we ALL know how HONDA QUALITY = teh shiz

                    You're entitled to your opinion, and I to mine

                    Originally posted by Mr. Burns
                    It's just nice to know that we were in the game long before these punks bought their generic rides as is.

                    I mean who really cares if a Saturn Ion redline has 200 hp, it is still an ugly domestic peice of crap.
                    Yeah, you're right. Dodge has no street cred or racing history at all to build on. I mean, Mopar never built anything called a 'Cuda, or a Hemi... or anything like that. In the game indeed.

                    And yeah, I guess considering that GTIs are assembed in Brazil, they are *imports*.

                    Originally posted by dubspeedGTi
                    it just makes it all the better when we do beat them though, and ours look better doing it.
                    Yeah, I guess you do have to hold those far-and-between ricer flybys... err.. I mean victories as close to your heart as you can.

                    Originally posted by Khyron
                    The stock SRT that was at race city ran 14s, and he'd never raced before. 250+ hp, LSD - need a lot of mods to catch even a stock one. And they can add a chip and other cheap bolt ons too.

                    BTW - if you ever sit in one, they look nothing like a normal Neon. It's like saying an STI is the same as a base Impreza, or an Evo 7 is a base Lancer.
                    He hath seen the light! Depending on driver, stocker SRT-4s run anywhere from low 14s to high 13s. And yes - lots of interior changes from the base Neon. It does still look like a rubbermaid convention inside, but that's not why people buy the SRT-4. Apparently, that's a major buying decision on a $34k+ two-door GTI. Then again, if I was buying a $34k hatchback that wasn't a BMW or M-Benz... I guess I'd want some "refinement" too.

                    Originally posted by gaffer
                    As for the SRT, I still cant get past its Neon heritage.
                    Yeah, well there are enough Golfs with 14" hubcaps driven by geriatric blind people that balance that scale off buddy boy.

                    Originally posted by Z32Nut
                    What every SRT-4 owner I've razzed dosen't want to admit is that it's still just a basic grocery getter underneath all those mods. Plus the folks who do the calculations for those books look at past models as well. So you've got a domestic factory warrantied hot-rod sitting on a chassis of dubious lineage.

                    Now I'll be the first to admit that my GL TDi started off as a grocery getter that just happens to get wicked fuel economy. But it's also part of a family of vehicles that are known for their chassis' longevity. Seeing a 20 yo jetta isn't uncommon where I live. And to boot, there still in pretty good shape. A 6-7 yo Neon around here dosen't look that good...
                    Jesus H Christ in a wheelbarrow. I can't believe you just whined about the SRT-4 being a "grocery-getter", then said your TDi is too. Splitting hairs at the frickin atomic level are we? Oh, and by the way - I bought an SRT-4 because I don't give a royal-rats-ass about fuel economy. Go talk to some RSX owners - you seem to share a common interest.

                    Originally posted by Z32Nut
                    ...until I pulled up to the pump

                    Lil' hotrod smokepot - 1, Premium burnin' grocery getter- 0
                    ha... HAHA.... HAHAHAHAHAHA! Last time I checked, there were no pumps at the 1/4 mile. Nice try though. Perhaps you are also of the mind that seatwarmers = TEH WIN!

                    Originally posted by Z32Nut
                    ...If I ever did get bored and wanted to race an SRT-4, I'd pull out the big gun. My 300ZX TT. Mildly modified On second thought scratch that thought. All I'd be doing is adding credibility to the SRT-4 owners delusions of speed and grandeur.
                    Well, have to give you props for having a big gun to whip out at this stage in the game, however trying to determine just what the hell you just said (grammer>you) is giving me a headache. So... you'll be adding credibility to the SRT-4 owners delusions of speed and grandeur... by kicking our asses in a 300ZX TT? "Mildly modified"? Well then... let's grab some "mildly modified" SRT-4s to play with you. Or, if you'd like to continue to magazine race type away.

                    Originally posted by Z32Nut
                    A voice of calm amongst the boasts of superiority.
                    "Would you like a flower..."
                    Oh christ. Do you have a vase on your dashboard too?!

                    Originally posted by Klobi-One-Kinobi
                    Hmm, I wonder if Boy Racer, or Bart have any srt-4 stories from solo2 or autocross? How are the srt's when the going gets twisty?
                    Google the words "One Lap" and "SRT-4". Also, Mopar Stage 3 Coilovers > you.

                    Originally posted by Z32Nut
                    Obviously, someone who has never seen a modded up TDi. Double the horespower, double the torque for about 6 grand in mods...Still get 40 in town, 54-56 on the highway.

                    'Lil hot rod smoke pot - 2, Premium guzzlin' grocery getter - 0
                    Obviously, someone who has never seen a modded up SRT-4. November issue of Sport Compact Car. Stage 3R Lightweight > your TDi grocery getter.

                    Originally posted by j'aime ta femme
                    God , you're making the rest of the TDI drivers around here look like douchebags. To the poster (jigga_x?): Great post, and I think Z32nut is exactly the type of person you're talking about
                    And at this point I'm probably setting a bad precident for SRT-4 drivers . Good to hear that there ARE people on these boards that, like me, can have a mutual respect for all things with motors and wheels. But when so many peeps make so many stupid, misinformed hater comments... you're just asking for it

                    Originally posted by Z32Nut
                    Using abusive language to try to prove/disprove a point or belittle someone only goes to show a lack of education and a limited vocabulary that's better suited to the local biker bar. No offence intended to the bikers. Some of those folks are better read than alot of people that have a "higher" education. Once you get past the drugs, prostitution, etc...
                    Wow. You must have spent like.. a whole HOUR typing that eloquence up. Here... have a cookie. AHHHHHHH....

                    Originally posted by Canadian Turbo
                    I think that you guys have confused eachother when Z32Nut said double stock numbers he meant TDI 90hp and Jaime thinks double SRT numbers. So anyway lets play nice and remember SRTs are quick but a modded diesel is no slouch!

                    And thanks for your insight Jigga
                    Exactly. You'd have to almost triple the TDi's output to get the stock SRT-4s output. And 2900lbs of metal is darned light for a car with the power of an SRT-4. Hence, SRT-4 = teh quick. I have personally taken my stock SRT-4 past 240kph. I did not require a long-ass stretch of track to do it, nor did it take forever.

                    The Stage 3R SRT-4 Lightweight will do 0-100MPH in 9.2 seconds.

                    Now, that I've probably made the longest darned post I have ever made... my summary:

                    The Golfs are great cars. They mod well, are practically indestructible, and get great gas mileage. I do not care about gas mileage, and I probably will never mod my SRT-4. They have a loyal following - as demonstrated by the members on this board, but for chrissakes stop talking out your asses. If you can't handle the fact that a lowly Dodge Neon can flog your stock Golfs, Jettas and Passats all day... then instead of spewing misinformation and "their engines asplode!", might I suggest refraining from making comments like this:

                    Originally posted by S_R_I_E
                    40% Written off the first production year. Its the cheap to power ratio I think.

                    SRT-4. It is fast out of the box, has 4-doors for the kidlets, and is an awesome highway cruiser. Never again will my heart start to race when someone speeds up while I'm passing them - simple downshift and it's taken care of.

                    Quite simply, short of towing something, the SRT-4 does it all. I have a weekday runabout, weekend cruiser, track car and family sedan in ONE car under $30,000CAN. Sure, I could by used this and used that, but if something breaks - I throw the keys at my friendly neighborhood Dodge dealership and it gets fixed.

                    So, props to those of you who kept the mud-slinging to a minimum. The rest of you - see above.

                    Now... links! Edumacate!

                    MSN Autos - GTI vs SRT-4

                    Sport Compact Car - SRT-4 Extreme Lightweight

                    2003 EconoSport Sedan Comparison @ Edmunds

                    SCC - A look at the SRT-4s engine

                    Hot Rod Magazine's look @ SRT-4's Engine

                    0-60 Times for Factory Stock Vehicles (Magazine Racing! w00t!)
                    Last edited by toasteroven; 11-04-2004, 07:17 PM.


                    • #70
                      Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

                      somebody got PWNED!


                      • #71
                        Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

                        Wow I love it when people from other forums come post just cause we don't like their cars. It is a VW forum after all get over it, would you like us all to come post useless crap on your boards? Ohh and there is no room in Kelowna to test a GTI unless you get to the cocahalla.. good luck getting accross the bridge Now go back to your northern BC town, smoke up some blunts and simmer down.
                        Name: Brent
                        His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
                        Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
                        Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.


                        • #72
                          Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

                          Originally posted by Stonewall
                          Wow I love it when people from other forums come post just cause we don't like their cars. It is a VW forum after all get over it, would you like us all to come post useless crap on your boards? Ohh and there is no room in Kelowna to test a GTI unless you get to the cocahalla.. good luck getting accross the bridge Now go back to your northern BC town, smoke up some blunts and simmer down.
                          not to be a stickler, but it appears everyone from here did go to his forum and post useless crap.


                          • #73
                            Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

                            Originally posted by VWfolyfe
                            not to be a stickler, but it appears everyone from here did go to his forum and post useless crap.
                            Crap I guess I didn't look hard enough
                            Name: Brent
                            His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
                            Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
                            Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.


                            • #74
                              Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

                              Originally posted by Stonewall
                              Wow I love it when people from other forums come post just cause we don't like their cars. It is a VW forum after all get over it, would you like us all to come post useless crap on your boards? Ohh and there is no room in Kelowna to test a GTI unless you get to the cocahalla.. good luck getting accross the bridge Now go back to your northern BC town, smoke up some blunts and simmer down.
                              Haha...HAHA...HAHAHAHAHA! People already come to our boards and post useless crap - a couple of VW owners will be a minor blip on the radar after we've dealt with the likes of Mustang GT owners with Canadian Tire "mods". At least you guys have some (note - some) respect and seem to be smarter than the average "I am TEH FASTEST! VTEC!" I run across. And your go-fast VWs do exactly that.

                              Ff you guys want some real chuckles - check out the War Stories section on the SRT Forums. Best. Stuff. EVAR.

                              But seriously - you completely missed the point of my post - if you're going to talk smack about my car, you're darned right I'm going to invade your space and set it right. The last thing I need is a VW owner wanting to race in rush-hour traffic because "I heard those SRT-4s are slow and POS!" If guys like you want to live in a fantasy land where everyone has vases on their heated seats and VR6=TEH WIN!, then you have every right to blissfully ignore me. I'm justa fly on your windshield. Spray. Mist.

                              How much darned space do you need to "test a GTI"?! I had the little thing rocketing down the 97 towards Penticton - seemed to have lots of get-up-and-go... but $34000 for a two-door VW?!
                              Last edited by toasteroven; 11-04-2004, 07:36 PM.


                              • #75
                                Re: Jetta vs SRT4... I lose.

                                Originally posted by toasteroven
                                How much darned space do you need to "test a GTI"?! I had the little thing rocketing down the 97 towards Penticton - seemed to have lots of get-up-and-go... but $34000 for a two-door VW?!
                                You haven't driven in Kelowna lately have you?
                                Name: Brent
                                His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
                                Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
                                Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.

