So, reading up on some of the stuff on gas prices, it appears that there is no way its ever going back down, and that we have to accept it.....This, all at the hands of OPEC, who admittidly stated they wanted the increased revenues from throttling production......They were critisized for not predicting the markets well enough, causing a volatile market by decreasing production in a time of political instability and increased demand......Where I'm a little ticked about the whole thing, is why are we paying nearly $40 US a barrel (where are the days when $25 was high??), when we are a major oil and gas producer?? Why can't the International Energy Association do anything about this?? All they seem to do is cry foul at OPEC, but not impose any sanctions dictating increased production....In the least maybe we need to start looking at fuel tax decreases, I can understand that oil revenues have afforded Alberta the ability to becaome finacially stable, but for cryin out loud, some of us can't go without a vehicle.........Any opinions/flaming/rants you guys want to get out?? I feel for you VR guys!!