Something scary happened in the world of hacked data, a lot of it is turning up all at once today.
Last week the data from the massive linkedin bearch was announced with 167 million accounts hacked.
Here is a list of recent data security breaches that have surface and number of accounts:
LinkedIn - 167 million
Adobe - 152 million - 40 million
Tumblr - 65 million
Myspace - 360 million
There are many other breaches out there so even if someone doesn’t have an account on any of these sites they may still be a victim.
To find out if an account is part of these breached, use this website and enter the username or signup email.
Last week the data from the massive linkedin bearch was announced with 167 million accounts hacked.
Here is a list of recent data security breaches that have surface and number of accounts:
LinkedIn - 167 million
Adobe - 152 million - 40 million
Tumblr - 65 million
Myspace - 360 million
There are many other breaches out there so even if someone doesn’t have an account on any of these sites they may still be a victim.
To find out if an account is part of these breached, use this website and enter the username or signup email.