I ordered two 12 point sockets, in 8mm & 12mm as part of taking apart my LM's, but have hit bad luck with an eBay seller. Ordered them 6 weeks ago, and nowhere to be seen.
Anyone know where to buy these locally? I tried Autovalue, Canadian Tire, etc; to no avail. I'd like to be working on my wheels this weekend, as I now have the caps, & bolts from BFI.
Thanks much
I ordered two 12 point sockets, in 8mm & 12mm as part of taking apart my LM's, but have hit bad luck with an eBay seller. Ordered them 6 weeks ago, and nowhere to be seen.
Anyone know where to buy these locally? I tried Autovalue, Canadian Tire, etc; to no avail. I'd like to be working on my wheels this weekend, as I now have the caps, & bolts from BFI.
Thanks much