I picked up a detector today, the highway between bearspaw and Cochrane is crazy with traps it seems and being fairly new to the city it's nice to get a heads up on red light and speed cameras.
To you guys that use one, did you hardware it in?
If that's the route you recommend what shop would you send me too?
I tried tunerworks a couple of times today, I knew where it was and they had the unit I wanted but of course I couldn't get a return phone call or talk to anyone but the receptionist who just wanted to send me to various voicemails...
To you guys that use one, did you hardware it in?
If that's the route you recommend what shop would you send me too?
I tried tunerworks a couple of times today, I knew where it was and they had the unit I wanted but of course I couldn't get a return phone call or talk to anyone but the receptionist who just wanted to send me to various voicemails...