Driving from some early X mas shopping to pick up my sons at school and was hit on Richmond road near 33 st today

Other driver starts yelling at me and my wife that I hit him, his lane ended and he pushed me out of my lane into oncoming traffic and is tryng to tell me I hit him…..really is this the quality of drivers people have become, he took off with out giving me his insurance or registration info..
Than while I am a the police station I get a call from school, one of my sons got hurt in wreslting practice, off to the hospital, x ray broken collar bone
I think I'll stay inside this week end.
Hopes you have a better start to yours…
Please drive safe, be accountable for how you drive and the things you do.
Just my rant as I am still shaken

Other driver starts yelling at me and my wife that I hit him, his lane ended and he pushed me out of my lane into oncoming traffic and is tryng to tell me I hit him…..really is this the quality of drivers people have become, he took off with out giving me his insurance or registration info..
Than while I am a the police station I get a call from school, one of my sons got hurt in wreslting practice, off to the hospital, x ray broken collar bone
I think I'll stay inside this week end.
Hopes you have a better start to yours…
Please drive safe, be accountable for how you drive and the things you do.
Just my rant as I am still shaken