So I went to Nanton to spectate the first annual Lancaster Bomber fire up. There are only 4 remaining Lancasters in the world that have 4 functioning engines, one of which resides in the Nanton Canadian Bomber Command Museum. This was an entirely donation based build and the work that was done was amazing. For those who don't know what a Lancaster is, here's the link to it's Wiki Page LINK.
Here's a link to the history of this specific Lancaster LINK
These bombers are crewed by 7 people, powered by 4 V12 Rolls Royce Merlins that pump out 1,280hp, have the capacity to carry 72,000lbs and have a max range of 4,073km.
On to the pictures and videos
Bristol Hercules Engine that was fired up today (did not stay to see)
V12 Merlin engine, those are some big pistons
The Lancaster
The crew entering (the man with the khakis and cane is a WW2 Mosquito pilot, he got the honor of firing up)
Fire department there in case of any incidents
Nifty shot of the propellers while they were running
And of course.... videos!
Start up (filmed on a potato, sorry for the crappy quality)
Shut down
Here's a link to the history of this specific Lancaster LINK
These bombers are crewed by 7 people, powered by 4 V12 Rolls Royce Merlins that pump out 1,280hp, have the capacity to carry 72,000lbs and have a max range of 4,073km.
On to the pictures and videos
Bristol Hercules Engine that was fired up today (did not stay to see)
V12 Merlin engine, those are some big pistons
The Lancaster
The crew entering (the man with the khakis and cane is a WW2 Mosquito pilot, he got the honor of firing up)
Fire department there in case of any incidents
Nifty shot of the propellers while they were running
And of course.... videos!
Start up (filmed on a potato, sorry for the crappy quality)
Shut down