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-1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

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  • -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

    Alright so I took my girlfriends 07 Jetta to Fifth Ave, she has had it for about 4 months now. I went their for a check engine light that she as had for about 2 months now. I got there she asked me what the problem was I told her it was a check engine light and when the car was at a cold start it had a little bit of a shake in park. Soooo she says ok we will check it out but there is a few recalls on it do you want them done also? I said sure why not while im here. I got a call from them and was told the check engine light was from a turbo waste gate valve and they asked if I wanted it replaced for around $350, I felt that was a little expensive so I said no just do the recalls and I will get that done from my friend he can do it for cheaper.

    So anyways I go to get my car she was like its going to be $140 for us checking what the engine code was for, I said fair enough I paid it and took the car. On the way back to my girlfriends house I felt like the car was going to stall when it was on low rpm's. I was wondering what it was and gave them a call back the next day. I was transferred over to Carl I talked to him he seemed like a nice guy went in and talked with him, he said to bring the car in and they would scan it again and make sure everything was ok. I brought in it he scanned it and said there was a vacuum leak somewhere and they would check if they but everything back on properly. I felt happy that he was being so understanding and nice to me so I told him to do that and also replace the turbo waste gate valve because my friend was busy. A lady gave me a call back the next day and was like no everything on the car was ok and the car seems fine to them, I went to pick up the car and talked to Carl and I was told that they couldn't do anything, and they didn't do anything wrong to the car. I argued a little bit that the car never had these problems when I brought it in but now it does and he told me there was nothing wrong with the car.

    So anyways I took the car home two nights ago just fed up with them that they wouldn't listen to me and I wasn't going anywhere, then yesterday I take the car in the morning to go and grab something to eat and the windows start fogging up, I go to turn the fan on and nothing happens, I turn it to 4 and still nothing so now im just soooooo mad freaking out, and then im driving and then car actually stalls on me like its an automatic it should never do that, I turn the car back around park it and just leave it,

    My question is how do I go about this? like what is my next step? can someone on here help me out with a scan/test drive and maybe tell me whats going on? like I haven't even called them about the fan because im just so mad, like I have never had a problem with them.

  • #2
    Re: -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

    Sucks to hear, sorry about the runaround. I'd call and talk to the service manager. If you get nothing there, call VW Canada.
    Find me on Instagram @pry4sno

    Candy White 2010 VW Golf Sportwagen TDI 6 speed /// #farmenwagen
    Indigo Pearl Effect 1992 80q 20v /// Eventual AAN'd Winter Sled
    Brilliant Black 1990 Coupe quattro /// Because Racecar


    • #3
      Re: -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

      call VW Canada, Carl sounds like an idiot. Bottom line is this vehicle was not having this issue when you brought it in there, now it is. Talk to VW Canada, explain your scenario, explain how disappointed you are, and say you had higher expectations than this shitty experience. They will 9 times out of 10 do something for you. Could always tell "Carl" you are writing an e-mail to VW Canada regarding his shady service and your horrible experience, that might open his eyes a bit. Tell him to do his job and make sure the customer is 100% satisfied, not 50%.
      Dubwerkz -
      E36 325i - Sold.
      E36 328is - Sold.
      TR MKIV GTI 1.8T - Daily.


      • #4
        Re: -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

        Can't say I'm surprised by the story..

        I took my car yesterday to get a CEL checked out... While there I decided to get an oil change done.

        I pretty much knew why the CEL was on (lack of CAT), but all that should have needed done was a scan, get the code, and call me (as I was curious if the CEL was on for more than 1 reason which it wasn't. I get a call a few hours later and the lady says "while the technician was driving the car he can hear a wheel bearing noise but can't diagnose which wheel.. will take 30mins to figure out (and another $78)" Well, immediately I am concerned, and completely missed the fact that the tech was out driving my car around (good thing I reset my trip clock) so I tell them to check it out. 4.5 hours later I get a call. "Yea it's the Driver Front that he can hear, and your tires are also starting to crack. Here is a quote for replacing those.

        I go in at 4:15pm to pick up my car, which wasn't ready as they still hadn't washed it per my request. So I had to wait around for that. Finally get my keys, pay the bill and out the door.. Hop in my car and the first thing I notice is that my stereo isn't ANYWHERE near the song that I left it on, it's actually 4 subfolders deep into a genre folder and some 50 songs into it. I've got an aftermarket stereo so this concerns me as I now know some service tech was pumping my hip-hop tunes (probably well past the volume setting my system is setup to max out at) while he was out on his 16km (this is why I reset my trip odometer) "diagnostics test". That's half way to Airdrie from 5th Ave!!! A diagnostics cruise that should NEVER have been required for the 2 things I took the car in for.

        I get out on to Barlow and finally realize that my RPM's are registering AT ALL... 0 rpm. Unfortunately I had somewhere to be at 5pm and didn't have time to turn around and go back.

        Now I'm concerned about taking my car back as I can't trust their techs to not screw with my personal belongings or take my car for a joy ride.

        Will be going back there today at lunch though to tear a strip off someone.


        • #5
          Re: -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

          Under bumper to bumper warranty.... I take the car to the dealership for problems.

          If not warranty, or just going for service.... why not go to a mechanic?
          Porsche 991 Carrera S


          • #6
            Re: -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

            Originally posted by DarkFader View Post
            Can't say I'm surprised by the story..

            I took my car yesterday to get a CEL checked out... While there I decided to get an oil change done.

            I pretty much knew why the CEL was on (lack of CAT), but all that should have needed done was a scan, get the code, and call me (as I was curious if the CEL was on for more than 1 reason which it wasn't. I get a call a few hours later and the lady says "while the technician was driving the car he can hear a wheel bearing noise but can't diagnose which wheel.. will take 30mins to figure out (and another $78)" Well, immediately I am concerned, and completely missed the fact that the tech was out driving my car around (good thing I reset my trip clock) so I tell them to check it out. 4.5 hours later I get a call. "Yea it's the Driver Front that he can hear, and your tires are also starting to crack. Here is a quote for replacing those.

            I go in at 4:15pm to pick up my car, which wasn't ready as they still hadn't washed it per my request. So I had to wait around for that. Finally get my keys, pay the bill and out the door.. Hop in my car and the first thing I notice is that my stereo isn't ANYWHERE near the song that I left it on, it's actually 4 subfolders deep into a genre folder and some 50 songs into it. I've got an aftermarket stereo so this concerns me as I now know some service tech was pumping my hip-hop tunes (probably well past the volume setting my system is setup to max out at) while he was out on his 16km (this is why I reset my trip odometer) "diagnostics test". That's half way to Airdrie from 5th Ave!!! A diagnostics cruise that should NEVER have been required for the 2 things I took the car in for.

            I get out on to Barlow and finally realize that my RPM's are registering AT ALL... 0 rpm. Unfortunately I had somewhere to be at 5pm and didn't have time to turn around and go back.

            Now I'm concerned about taking my car back as I can't trust their techs to not screw with my personal belongings or take my car for a joy ride.

            Will be going back there today at lunch though to tear a strip off someone.
            wow, that's 100% unacceptable. That also deserves an e-mail to VW Canada in hopes of receiving a full apology and some free swag.
            Dubwerkz -
            E36 325i - Sold.
            E36 328is - Sold.
            TR MKIV GTI 1.8T - Daily.


            • #7
              Re: -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

              Well I just got back from 5th Ave..

              Apparently the RPM guage can stop displaying the RPM with a ECM or ESM(?) update that was performed (no charge). While that is an acceptable reason for it to not work, I still feel this should have been noticed while they were out on the 16km road test. Which I also got an explanation for. Because the tech could hear a problem with the wheel bearing he couldn't pin point which wheel. There was another tech next to the customer service rep I was discussing all this with, and he actually hopped in with the tech who worked on my car yesterday to help him diagnose which wheel was causing noise. Apparently because my tires are cracked and creating road noise it made it very difficult to figure out which wheel it was coming from. They explained they have a 5km route they take, which required 3 trips to diagnose which wheel. Far fetched, but believable. I accepted that and dropped the issue regarding the stereo tom-foolery.

              The trip wasn't a completely waste of time though. They were nice enough to bring up the point regarding the wheel bearing and mentioned that it should be something covered under warranty. A nice $495 repair that doesn't have to come out of my pocket! AWESOME! I've got my car scheduled back in for tomorrow morning to get that replaced. Fingers crossed it all goes well.


              • #8
                Re: -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

                Thanks guys, im going to call tomorrow my car is still messed up its just been sitting in my drive way, I was going to take it to this mechanic but im going to call first.


                • #9
                  Re: -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

                  Good luck with VW. If you need a mechanic who will literally never **** anything up, talk to Sean at Midtown.

                  Brilliant Black B6 A4 1.8T


                  • #10
                    Re: -1 for fifth ave, pretty mad right now.

                    FYI - Wheel bearing noises can be diagnosed on a hoist while car is in drive, or by freely spinning the wheel by hand......... no road test needed. Always better to do a road test.... but not needed.
                    Don't Panic, I'm Hispanic

