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Fun times on the road

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  • Fun times on the road

    Just a vent post. I was going west on John Laurie doing 70-75 in the left lane. Pretty much speed limit. Both lanes packed. The BMW X3 behind me is riding my tail. He can’t change lanes or pass because there is a van beside me. the cars in front of me speed up as soon as they can. I maintain my speed because I don’t want to speed. The douche behind me is still tail gating me because he wants me to speed up. For a good 5 mins is when he gets a chance to pass me as the van has turned off. He literally cuts me off on purpose and slows down to try and get back at me for what in his mind he saw as revenge when I was just driving normally. i don’t even honk because he slowed down to my speed and I didn’t even need to put the brakes on. talk about road rage. I am a very laid back guy. I’ve had a few people honk and give me the finger because I didn’t cater to their race car driving style. Next time someone puts me in danger and I don’t have an appointment, Im going to follow them………...nah who am I kidding. I can’t keep up with my 2.0. Anyways, its not worth the trouble for either party. So just a reminder to drive decently out there guys. My car has 300k now so don’t give me a reason to floor the brakes and junk the car because I won’t lose sleep over it.Thanks for reading.

    2012 VW JETTA TDI
    2000 VW JETTA 2.0 - Old ride

  • #2
    Re: Fun times on the road

    I agree with you people who put others in danger are horrible , I also believe that there is driving unsafe and being a dick the. There is also driving fast,smart and curdious. I like to speed but I am not going to cut someone because they are going in the left lane and I wanna go faster.
    -2014 S4


    • #3
      Re: Fun times on the road

      Don't even say your 2.0 because its not! It's a race car.


      • #4
        Re: Fun times on the road

        I go faster than lots of people, lots of people go faster than me. I like it when people get out of my way and I try to get out of other peoples way. But with everything, lots of grey area.


        • #5
          Re: Fun times on the road

          This thread reminded me of this:


          • #6
            Re: Fun times on the road

            These threads.....I love them

            Instagram: @parkus08

            91 BMW 340is ///M-Tech II - Under construction
            08 VW .:R32
            04 Audi A4 Avant 1.8TQ


            • #7
              Re: Fun times on the road

              Originally posted by martin13 View Post
              this thread reminded me of this:


              02 Audi S3 - Low and Slow phase II follow the build @j_gheron
              04 GLI low and slow OG
              02 Laser S4//605'd//aquamisted//EPLed
              00 Jetta 1.8T OEM+


              • #8
                Re: Fun times on the road

                I agree with that chart as well. that being said

                1) If someone is coming up behind me real fast. I always change lanes to let them pass. In this case. There was a van going the same speed as me in the right lane. did I feel like speeding up to 90 to get on front of the van? Nope. He was riding my tail so close I thought I saw him in my back seat when I looked in the mirror. He can wait.

                2) In the other shoe, and someone doesn’t get out of my way if no one else is around. Sure, I think he’s a dick too. but I will never risk mine or someone else safety because I think he’s a dick. But guess what, I can change lanes and pass him. Simple as that. no need to try and cut him off or start a fight.

                2012 VW JETTA TDI
                2000 VW JETTA 2.0 - Old ride


                • #9
                  Re: Fun times on the road

                  Originally posted by ryukin2000 View Post
                  I agree with that chart as well. that being said

                  1) If someone is coming up behind me real fast. I always change lanes to let them pass. In this case. There was a van going the same speed as me in the right lane. did I feel like speeding up to 90 to get on front of the van? Nope. He was riding my tail so close I thought I saw him in my back seat when I looked in the mirror. He can wait.

                  2) In the other shoe, and someone doesn’t get out of my way if no one else is around. Sure, I think he’s a dick too. but I will never risk mine or someone else safety because I think he’s a dick. But guess what, I can change lanes and pass him. Simple as that. no need to try and cut him off or start a fight.

                  I read:
                  I was matching speed in the left lane with a van in the right lane to control traffic flow, and there are dicks on the road that want to get places fast for some reason which I don't really care about.


                  .... ... .. .


                  • #10
                    Re: Fun times on the road

                    '17 Ram 3500 Laramie
                    '01 Silver S4


                    • #11
                      Re: Fun times on the road

                      That chart should straight up be in the drivers handbook!
                      I try to stay calm for the most part. no need to risk lives. But have you seen Calgary drivers? On barlow yesterday, in the left lane, doing 70 (thats rare) haha, chillin on my way to grandmas like a good boy. D-bag pulling out of where 5th ave auto haus is, cuts all the way over to the left lane doing maybe 30km/hr. I stood on my brake pedal, or I would have kissed RSX ass. Anyways, I followed for about a good min with my hand on the horn the whole time
                      Silver Stoned
                      16' Lithium Gray F150( Winter mode)
                      03' 24V VR6


                      • #12
                        Re: Fun times on the road

                        Originally posted by ryukin2000 View Post
                        I agree with that chart as well. that being said

                        1) If someone is coming up behind me real fast. I always change lanes to let them pass. In this case. There was a van going the same speed as me in the right lane. did I feel like speeding up to 90 to get on front of the van? Nope. He was riding my tail so close I thought I saw him in my back seat when I looked in the mirror. He can wait.
                        Did it occur to you that you could have slowed down even 2km/h for 15 seconds which would have been enough time to tuck in behind the van in the right lane and let speedy speederson pass you?

                        A simple adjustment of 3-5km/h for a few seconds would have solved this..... it's not like your only choice was to pin it and hit 90.....
                        Sidewalks are for normal walkin.... aint no room for fancy walkin....


                        • #13
                          Re: Fun times on the road

                          Originally posted by Satnam View Post
                          I read:
                          I was matching speed in the left lane with a van in the right lane to control traffic flow, and there are dicks on the road that want to get places fast for some reason which I don't really care about.

                          Yup me and the Van were going 70-80. How inconsiderate of us. I definitely deserve to get run off the road for not caring about why other drivers want to to get to places super-fast. Be careful now, I'm sure he’s always going to think nice thoughts when he sees a black MK4 Jetta from now on.

                          2012 VW JETTA TDI
                          2000 VW JETTA 2.0 - Old ride


                          • #14
                            Re: Fun times on the road

                            You did the right thing. Similar thing happened to me. Foggy day, a old lady on space savers is going 30kmh turning from shanganappi on to country hills, so I'm okay with that, I'll just overtake her after it gets clear, before the white dotted lines even appeared, a bitxx in a Monte Carlo who is behind me fled pass us and threw fingers to all of us..
                            Current Fleet
                            #ProjectICreate Jetta GLI32
                            2001 Cobra #88/3786
                            1989 Jetta Trophy 1 of 500
                            2004 Audi A2 FSI Colour Storm RHD
                            2015 B8.5 S4 Sepang/Technik/6MT/SD/AAD/CF

                            Motorsport Engineer


                            • #15
                              Re: Fun times on the road

                              Originally posted by ryukin2000 View Post
                              Yup me and the Van were going 70-80. How inconsiderate of us. I definitely deserve to get run off the road for not caring about why other drivers want to to get to places super-fast. Be careful now, I'm sure he’s always going to think nice thoughts when he sees a black MK4 Jetta from now on.
                              While technically you're not doing anything wrong, you're being inconsiderate by doing that. The driver behind you may interpret it as you purposely blocking them because really, the left lane should be the passing lane. If it's packed, just ignore them.

                              If it's free though... You're right but you're also wrong. Usually if I notice someone tailgating, I just safely speed up and go on the right lane.

                              Or if I notice them acting like an asshat, I would hypothetically do what you did.
                              Last edited by flipstah; 04-11-2013, 05:12 PM.
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