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Fun times on the road

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  • #16
    Re: Fun times on the road

    Originally posted by Satnam View Post
    I read:
    I was matching speed in the left lane with a van in the right lane to control traffic flow, and there are dicks on the road that want to get places fast for some reason which I don't really care about.

    i thought the same thing.

    people who drive like that are assholes. i don't care if you are doing the speed limit. youare being a dick for not giving up lane space. whether you speed up or slow down a few kms to change lanes (as suggested, and preferably the former; you are in the left lane after all), you need to move over. if you think you're being safer and you don't want to put your "life at risk", think about this,

    you them
    x x
    x x
    x x
    x x
    x x

    ^ everyone else behind you

    i bet all those cars really appreciate having to be forced into a parking lot at 70kms. i mean, that's really safe. potential for multi-car pile up vs. hopefully a non-injury single, car collision. think CVD sylvan lake cruises. personally, i like to drive with no one around.

    that aside, i saw a girl in a mitsubishi today on deerfoot, crash. she spun around into the center wall and was pinned there, up on the barrier, facing oncoming traffic that was still traveling at 100km/h despite the near white out conditions. i can't believe no one died.
    you probably don't like me because someone else said they didn't lol. <3


    • #17
      Re: Fun times on the road

      Originally posted by ryukin2000 View Post
      Yup me and the Van were going 70-80. How inconsiderate of us. I definitely deserve to get run off the road for not caring about why other drivers want to to get to places super-fast. Be careful now, I'm sure he’s always going to think nice thoughts when he sees a black MK4 Jetta from now on.
      I wanted to stay out of this thread, so I simply will give you this safe advice that will potentially save your life. Please don't ever rent a car in Europe. You will die.
      Instagram: @parkus08

      91 BMW 340is ///M-Tech II - Under construction
      08 VW .:R32
      04 Audi A4 Avant 1.8TQ


      • #18
        Re: Fun times on the road

        if you read my first post. he was already tailing me when there were cars in front me. it was a good two mins before i had the option of speeding up. anyways, the point was to state no matter how much you think someone is being a dink, dont run them off.

        edit: in reply to 100% vag
        Last edited by ryukin2000; 04-11-2013, 05:46 PM.

        2012 VW JETTA TDI
        2000 VW JETTA 2.0 - Old ride


        • #19
          Re: Fun times on the road

          if he was tailgating you to start with then i would have done the same thing.
          if im held up in traffic and cant get out of the way and someone is tailgating me, i usually just tap the brakes a bit to get their attention, now if i see a car coming up on me fast and im in the left lane passing another vehicle, ill always speed up a little to get out of the vehicles way, and in return thats what i expect from other drivers if im going faster than them.
          2017 VW Golf Sportwagen 4Motion DSG
          2013 VW Jetta 2.5
          2005 VW JTI 1.8T
          1993 VW Jetta 2.0
          1996 VW GTI VR6

          1991 Ford F150 4X4
          1989 Nissan Kingcab 2WD
          1983 Buick Skylark


          • #20
            Re: Fun times on the road

            If somebody is purposefully driving like a dick, no way i am moving from my current path. Reason being is that people who drive like that are extremely unpredictable. They swerve unexpectedly into different lanes, increase their rate of speed in the blink of an eye and have zero fear it seems when it comes to cutting it close with other vehicles. I feel the safest if i stay at my current rate of speed in my current lane until i can safely change lanes to a spot which they cannot possibly be (for instance right in front of another car but never behind another car). The more they tailgate, the more cautious i get and the longer it takes me to switch lanes and get out of their way.

            If someone is coming up quick and i see them from a distance and they aren't swerving, they aren't rapidly changing lanes, i usually move out of the lane unless i need that lane in the near future.

            Originally posted by 24vr86 View Post
            Anyways, I followed for about a good min with my hand on the horn the whole time
            A simple honk on the horn is sufficient. You are being a big problem/menace on the road by doing that and it will get you into trouble one of these days.


            • #21
              Re: Fun times on the road

              If someone is looking to speed, I'll always get out of their way if I have the opportunity to do so.

              If the person is tailgating me when other lanes are open, I will turn on my rear fog and watch them ease off and switch lanes. <3 my rear fog.
              MK5 .:R32 - Aston


              • #22
                Re: Fun times on the road

                There are lots of assholes out there I will be on deerfoot doing my normal 120 and be in the left lane passing people to the right and have assholes come up behind me doing 140 and then tailgate. Meanwhile there is a solid row of cars to the right and no oppertunity to leave the lane. I will not move my speed up to a dangerous level just so the ******* behind me that feels the need to go 40 km over the speed limit can do so. If the person gets so close I will tap on brakes enough so my tail lights go then slow down to the posted speed limit.
                It takes a real douche bag to tailgate, I do not care what speed you want to go you have to respect the drivers around you and leave a safe following distance for the speed you are traveling. You share the road and do not own them.
                Been driving VAG for longer then allot of the members have been alive


                • #23
                  Re: Fun times on the road

                  [/QUOTE] A simple honk on the horn is sufficient. You are being a big problem/menace on the road by doing that and it will get you into trouble one of these days.[/QUOTE]

                  Your absolutely right, ( a whole min would be exagerated a little) but It just helps me let out some frustration I guess. Ill keep that in mind for the next time. Road Rage Management thread anyone? haha.
                  Last edited by 24vr86; 04-12-2013, 12:00 PM.
                  Silver Stoned
                  16' Lithium Gray F150( Winter mode)
                  03' 24V VR6


                  • #24
                    Re: Fun times on the road

                    about ten years ago an Acura integra was speeding beside me on the left lane on a road that curved to the right. i was driving my moms 91 corolla. he cut me off while we were still on the curve and lost control of his car and i think he over steered back to the left and went straight into the concrete barrier. this was 4 in the morning and no one else was around. i pulled over to check on him. front was damaged real good and air bag went off. luckily he was alright other than ringing ears. funny thing was that the moment he pulled his face out of the air bag he recognized me. he was an acquaintance. he just bought the car too. felt sorry for him. he was able to drive the car home and i followed to make sure he was okay.

                    2012 VW JETTA TDI
                    2000 VW JETTA 2.0 - Old ride


                    • #25
                      Re: Fun times on the road

                      Originally posted by toplessvw View Post
                      There are lots of assholes out there I will be on deerfoot doing my normal 120 and be in the left lane passing people to the right and have assholes come up behind me doing 140 and then tailgate. Meanwhile there is a solid row of cars to the right and no oppertunity to leave the lane. I will not move my speed up to a dangerous level just so the ******* behind me that feels the need to go 40 km over the speed limit can do so.
                      My philosophy exactly. I never "police" the left lane however, speed demons going 40++kph over the speed limit who don't have the patience to wait 5 seconds until you can move over piss me off. We all share the road... everybody is allowed to pass vehicles. Just get back over to the right once you've completed your overtake.

                      What I still can't understand though is people who drive in the left lane at exactly the speed limit for km after km (with nobody in the middle or right lane on a 3-lane roadway) and watch vehicle after vehicle... come up behind them... pull into the center... pass on the right... and pull back in front of them. Like seriously... how many times do you need to be passed on the right (which is nearly a requirement in AB because of the drivers here who permanently "park" in the left lane) before you think... "Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't be in this lane?" My only answer to this is that they are likely turning left somewhere... 17 kms up the road... and are being proactive in their lane change?!

                      The Inconvenient Truth: The Overall Canadian driver skill level is degrading at an exponential rate. Pretty soon licenses will come with sticks of gum.
                      Daddy's "Hooligan" - MK4 R32 in Deep Blue Pearl
                      Mommy's "Gran Turismo" - E70 X5M in Black Sapphire Metallic

                      GONE... BUT NOT FORGOTTEN:

                      The Family "Muscle Car" - B7 RS4 in Misano Red - Dad's 20th Anniversary "Wanna-be R32" GTi


                      • #26
                        Re: Fun times on the road

                        Drivers that set the cruise at 2 km above the speed limit in the left lane on the hiway drive me friggin nuts !!
                        12 Volvo XC 90
                        03 Jetta1.8T
                        95 Cabrio VRT
                        90 G60 Corrado

                        Colleen at 403-819-0132 or for all your mortgage needs.


                        • #27
                          Re: Fun times on the road

                          Originally posted by Lars View Post
                          Drivers that set the cruise at 2 km above the speed limit in the left lane on the hiway drive me friggin nuts !!
                          Key word: highway.

                          We have had this discussion before. But, to further stir the pot...what is a "passing lane" that many of you refer to?

                          In the city, it's a road. The only speed restrictions are on Deerfoot for slow moving vehicles. For the rest of them, I'm going t drive the speed limit in whatever lane gets me to where I am going no matter how far I am from where I may need to "turn left".

                          On the highway, it's a courtesy to keep the left lane clear. But, not required unless there are the signs like BC has to "keep right except to pass".

                          Original poster is right to vent at the jerk for cutting him off. Ya wanna do the speed limit, do the speed limit. Ya wanna speed and there is to much traffic to allow you? Maybe rethink if its the best time to, or not.

                          Flame away!

                          Ooh, here's another thought. I'm curious....everybody go back in this thread, edit your post, and add your age. It will be an interesting experiment.

                          I'm 41.
                          Last edited by Jester B; 04-12-2013, 10:11 PM. Reason: Add age question.

                          2017 Sportwagen
                          2016 .:R (sold)
                          2013 Golf TDI Wolfsburg (sold)
                          2001.5 Audi S4 (sold)


                          • #28
                            Re: Fun times on the road

                            Originally posted by Jester B View Post
                            We have had this discussion before. But, to further stir the pot...what is a "passing lane" that many of you refer to?
                            Funny, I've never read those discussions but I was going to point out the same thing. It's a "courtesy" lane not a passing lane... at least, not for passing vehicles in excess of the posted speed limit. More so for getting ahead of slow moving transport trucks and such.

                            When the traffic is tight enough that there's no room but to drive forward in your own lane, we (all) wait! This isn't NASCAR, we can't just rub our way to the front in a desire to shave five minutes off our commute.
                            Find me on Instagram @pry4sno

                            Candy White 2010 VW Golf Sportwagen TDI 6 speed /// #farmenwagen
                            Indigo Pearl Effect 1992 80q 20v /// Eventual AAN'd Winter Sled
                            Brilliant Black 1990 Coupe quattro /// Because Racecar


                            • #29
                              Re: Fun times on the road

                              Wow, there's a lot of rules in this thread for what constitutes allowing someone to get past you

                              Swerving vs. Not swerving behind you
                              coming up vs already following you
                              What speed at which they become a "douche"

                              Are these on a government website somewhere? Perhaps I should take a look.
                              Last edited by Tuna; 04-13-2013, 05:20 PM.


                              • #30
                                Re: Fun times on the road

                                1. Use the left lane only for passing, turning.
                                2. Let the speeders speed, they won't stop speeding until they get punished.
                                3. Only speed when the road conditions are perfect (no cops, no traffic, enough space, good weather etc).
                                4. Only speed when someone on your car is dying.
                                5. Unnessary honking will get you into trouble. Honk to warn someone not to let someone out of your way, the road belongs to all of us.
                                6. Yell or just punch your soft German dashboard instead of flaming on others.

                                Feel free to add on.
                                Last edited by kujiwara; 04-13-2013, 06:08 PM.
                                Current Fleet
                                #ProjectICreate Jetta GLI32
                                2001 Cobra #88/3786
                                1989 Jetta Trophy 1 of 500
                                2004 Audi A2 FSI Colour Storm RHD
                                2015 B8.5 S4 Sepang/Technik/6MT/SD/AAD/CF

                                Motorsport Engineer

